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Quote from Adam in Geoff the Pleaser

Adult Adam: [v.o.] While the JTP was finally getting some help, the AV Club was about to get some very exciting news.
Coach Nick: Listen up, AV scrubs. Every club has to have a faculty advisor. Due to me losing 12 consecutive rounds of rock-paper-scissors, I'm yours. Anyway, as I tend to see things through a sports lens, I've decided that we're gonna have a school-wide movie championship.
Adam: You mean like a film festival? I've been begging for one for years.
Johnny: Count Johnny Atkins in.
Emmy: Johnny Atkins? Since when are you in the AV Club?
Johnny: Since they found asbestos in the detention room. Heh! [coughs]
Adam: Question, Coach Advisor. Is there a format restriction? 8 millimeter? 16 millimeter? Super 8? Super 16?
Coach Nick: Super annoying question! Make a movie!
Adam: Dealer's choice on the format. Nice.
Coach Nick: Just know I like movies about sports, war, and lost dogs finding their way home.

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