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Quote from Adam in Game Night

Brian Corbett: Hey, you lost, bro?
Brian Walls: Yeah. That's a no-go. This is the cool table and you're...
Johnny: A flaming hot turd of nothing. [eats funyun]
Adam: But Brea Bee is my lab partner.
Brian Walls: We don't make the rules.
Brian Corbett: I mean, we do. And you could try to appeal, but I'll bury you in paperwork.
Adam: She's right there. Just let me make eye contact, and she'll wave me in.
Johnny: Bro, stop trying to violate the well-established social hierarchy of the cafeteria.
Adam: But I'm cool... You know, in an offbeat, non-traditional way that'll surely have more value in adulthood.
Johnny: Yeah, I'm gonna dump this dry salad on your head. It's still embarrassing, but it cleans up easy.

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