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Breakfast Club

‘Breakfast Club’

Season 4, Episode 1 - Aired September 21, 2016

Adam, Barry and Erica are not alone in trying to find their place at school on the first day of term, as Beverly attempts to become a teacher.

Quote from Mr. Glascott

Beverly: Oh, the teachers' lounge! Oh! [Chuckles] So beautiful. I'm home.
Mr. Glascott: Well, well, well. The rumors are true.
Beverly: Hello, Andre.
Mr. Glascott: [Laughing] Oh. I've been waiting for this moment a long, long time.
Beverly: Thank you so much. I've worked really hard to get here.
Mr. Glascott: Not to support you. To destroy you!
Beverly: What?!
Mr. Glascott: Well, maybe not destroy, but to be cold and distant. Doesn't really come naturally to me. I'm really a people person. Everybody says so. But after all the times you made the teachers' lives hell, did you really think that we were gonna accept you as one of us?
Beverly: It wasn't personal. I was just doing my job as Mama Bear.
Mr. Glascott: Well, the bear's got no claws now. [laughs] That's right! We got the claws!


Quote from Adam

Adam: I can't sit with my mom at lunch. I'm already the sweaty jacket kid. It would ruin any shred of cool I have left.

Quote from Lainey

Lainey: Forgive me, Mrs. G., but Barry wants you to know, "Get out, you monster! Get out through that window right now!"

Quote from Erica

Erica: What's not okay is you haven't told the blond lady to hit the bricks.
Adam: Yeah, man. Do your job.
Lainey: Barry was hoping you'd step in and wanted to add, uh, "Grow some plums!"
Principal Ball: Okay, listen. You kids cannot talk to me that way, 'cause now you really do have Saturday detention.
Adam: What?!
Erica: No!
Lainey: How am I in trouble? I'm just Barry's messenger.
Principal Ball: Well, then deliver this one I expect to see him Saturday, too.
Erica: [screams] So much for my year of awesome! Oh, yeah! Oh, yeah. I officially give up, and not just because my mom invaded my school, but because I suck at love and I'm gonna die alone! Forever alone!
Lainey: Don't mind her. She's a basket case.

Quote from Adam

Principal Ball: Questions?
Adam: I got a question. Does Barry Manilow know that you raid his wardrobe?
Principal Ball: Well, aren't you nice? I happen to be quite the Fanilow.
Adam: No, it's from a movie. It's what the cool kid does- And he's gone.

Quote from Barry

Adam: Again, this is just like the movie.
Barry: No one cares about the stupid movie! Now help me into the ceiling like in the movie.

Quote from Adam

Murray: What's this?
Adam: It's the essay you made us write.
Murray: Looks kind of long. Just, uh, tell me the highlights.
Adam: It says "We love our mom. Everything she is and everything she wants to be. But the truth is, up until today that's all we thought she was just a mom. But she's so much more than that. We all are. Even though we all look at each other in the simplest terms with the most convenient definitions, we're more than that. We're not just a geek or a jock or a basket case. Or a mom. In the end, we're a family. And that means we're in it together. Sincerely yours, The Breakfast Club."
Murray: What's the Breakfast Club?

Quote from Beverly

Principal Ball: Goldbergs, please! What on Earth is going on over here?
Beverly: I'll tell you what's going on, Earl. You have some very mean, disrespectful children at this school.
Principal Ball: Well, they're your children.
Beverly: Tell them what happens to a student when they sass-mouth a teacher.
Principal Ball: They get Saturday detention.
Erica: Why don't you tell her what happens to a teacher who abuses her power?
Principal Ball: Teachers get fired.
Beverly: Oh, my God. Earl, write a detention. It's not that [bleep] hard!

Quote from Murray

Murray: What the hell is this? Why aren't you moving? Stop it! Start moving your body!

Quote from Erica

Barry: Why do you have so many outfits on?
Erica: Yeah, you look like a hobo who lives in a dumpster behind a Burlington Coat Factory.

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