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Big Baby Ball

‘Big Baby Ball’

Season 2, Episode 6 - Aired November 12, 2014

After Adam's hit in the face by a dodgeball in gym class, Beverly marches down to the school to Adam from playing dodgeball. Following her intervention, Coach Meller singles Adam out at class. Even after making things worse for Adam, Beverly can't help but mix in again, and she manages to get the Coach fired from the school. Meanwhile, Barry can't handle it when Erica finally beats him at a new board game, Trivial Pursuit.

Quote from Barry

Erica: Oh, hello. I did not see you sitting there.
Barry: I agree.


Quote from Coach Mellor

Adult Adam: [v.o.] The overlord of this insanity was Mr. Mellor, a gung-ho ex-Jock filled with stupid sports cliches.
Coach Mellor: No pain, no gain! There is no "i" in team! Winners never quit! Quitters never win!
Adult Adam: [v.o.] And some of his sayings we just found confusing.
Coach Mellor: It is never okay to put butter on a doughnut! Dance like no one's watching! Love like you've never been hurt! Don't trust your cousin on a road trip with your wife.

Quote from Coach Mellor

Coach Mellor: You want me to cancel dodgeball? One of the seven pillars of fitness?
Beverly: What are the other six?
Coach Mellor: Look, canceling dodgeball would be like canceling science. Is that what you want? A world with no science? Why do you hate NASA? Why?
Beverly: I don't hate it. They gave us tang. What I do hate is dodgeball.

Quote from Coach Mellor

Coach Mellor: Dodgeball is an essential part of strengthening a young man's character, and nobody needs that more than your son.
Beverly: How dare you? My son has the strength and character of three Lou Ferrignos!
Coach Mellor: How dare you invoke Lou Ferrigno? How dare you! I'm not gonna stand here and let you push me around! I'm not scared of you.
Beverly: Well, you should be. I'd think twice about this if I were you.
Coach Mellor: No. I will not think at all.
Beverly: If there's any more dodgeball in this school, you will regret it. Mark my words.
Coach Mellor: I will mark no words.
Beverly: Mark them!

Quote from Adam

Coach Mellor: Grab a ball! Same teams. On my whistle.
Chad Kremp: This is bad.
Adam: I want the "Star Wars" theme played at my funeral.

Quote from Beverly

Beverly: Who did this to your kissable face?
Adam: Mom, please don't. I'm fine.
Beverly: Who? I want names.
Adam: It's from dodgeball. Mr. Mellor lives for it. It's like his air.
Beverly: It's like a violation of human rights.
Murray: Here we go. Bevy, it's not a rights violation. It's gym class.
Beverly: Well, I think he's an animal.

Quote from Barry

Erica: Okay, next card. "What city was called the Paris of the South?"
Barry: Maya Angelou.
Erica: That's the answer on the card you wanted me to choose, you knob. You're clearly cheating.
Barry: How dare you?! I am a sportsman! You insult my honor!
Pops: Hey, Bar, it's kind of obvious you're cheating.
Barry: I am not. I simply memorized the answers and put the cards in a particular order so I can win!
Erica: That's cheating!
Barry: That's preparation!
Pops: Preparation for cheating.

Quote from Beverly

Beverly: I don't understand. Mellor didn't cower? Why didn't he cower?
Murray: It's on you, Bev. The boy was singled out because you mixed in.
Adam: He's right, mom. You made it worse.
Murray: Why can't you ever listen? You want to protect the boy, and you always end up making it a million times worse.
Beverly: No, you're completely right.I know it in my heart.
Murray: Good. It's nice to finally be on the same page.
Beverly: Definitely.
Murray: What's with the coat? Are you marching down to school again?
Beverly: I want to say no, but that would be a lie.
Murray: But I thought we're on the same page.
Beverly: We are, and yet, here I go.
Adam: Just stop! Just tell your body to stop!
Beverly: I want to. I really want to. But I can't. I thought we're on the same page!

Quote from Pops

Barry: Let's do this! What'll it be, Pops? Rap or an elaborate nunchuck routine?
Pops: I have to go to the bathroom.
Barry: 40 bonus points for pops!
Pops: I really like this game.

Quote from Beverly

Murray: I got to tell you, he's not the same guy without the whistle and the short-shorts. A guy like that belongs in a gym yelling at kids. It's in his blood.
Beverly: Look, I never intended for Mellor to get fired, but this is on him. He singled out my boy.
Murray: Okay, he was wrong, but you took it too far. Now do the right thing and put that loose cannon back in charge of children.
Beverly: I go easy on one teacher, then the rest won't fear me.

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