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Will Gets Committed

‘Will Gets Committed’

Season 3, Episode 2 -  Aired September 21, 1992

Philip encourages his family to volunteer to clean up their old neighborhood.

Quote from Philip

Young Philip: Don't want to get anybody's hopes up but Mr. Firth wants me to come back for a second interview.
Young Hilary: I'm rich! I'm rich!
Young Carlton: I'll pack our bags. Maybe we can get a place close to the Reagans.
Young Will: Did I ever tell you folks how much I like visiting?
Young Philip: Hold on, now. Hold on. Now look, even if I do get this job, nothing changes. This is our home and this community is a part of our family. And I'll never turn my back on it.


Quote from Hilary

Philip: Yeah. we had some good times in this old place.
Vivian: Oh, we sure did, baby. Our roots are here. This is where we started our family.
Will: Man, I wonder if that divorced lady still live here? She probably like 127 or something...
Philip: Yeah, and we made some very good friends here. But we haven't fulfilled our commitment to them or to this place.
Will: Hey, look, you know, Uncle Phil, I think I will come back you know, next weekend. Hook up with my man Noah, set up a schedule.
Carlton: Yes, I think I'll hook up with Simone and make out a little schedule of my own.
Ashley: Uh, I'm going to go sign up for next week.
Hilary: So, the house will be empty next week? Great! I'm going to plan a party.

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