Will Quote #1682
Quote from Will in I, Clownius
Carlton: Dad's liable to give her life. I got grounded for a whole month just because I came home late.
Will: Well, you deserved it. I mean, getting everybody's hopes up like that and then showing up again.
The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air Quotes
‘I, Clownius’ Quotes
Quote from Will
Will: Now, wait a minute, Uncle Phil. I don't usually say this, but I agree with the little squidget. Come on, you can't go down to that courthouse by yourself. You need a bodyguard. Hey, I'm your man.
Philip: I'll be fine, Will.
Will: Uh-huh. That's just what Bobo Anderson said.
Philip: Who?
Will: Bobo Anderson. One of my boys from back in Philly. Oh see, Bobo started getting all these threatening letters. Everybody was like: "Yo, Bobo, you need to watch your back. You know brothers be tripping." He's like, "No, man, I'm cool. I'm all right." Then, bam! One day he just up and disappeared.
Carlton: He was killed?
Will: Oh, no, his family moved out of town. I ain't seen him since third grade.
Philip: Will, what has all this got to do with your being my bodyguard?
Will: Oh. You know, I figure if you let me slide down to that courtroom with you, you know I might get to console some of them show-biz madam girls. You know, it won't be just your body I'm guarding, you know what I'm saying? You know what I'm talking about, dawg. You know what I'm saying, right? You know. You know what I'm saying. You know what I'm saying, right? You know. You know what I'm saying, boy? You know Damn, I miss Bobo.
Quote from Carlton
Detective Simms: Well, whenever there's a high-profile case like this every wacko comes out of the woodwork.
Carlton: I say we treat this as a code-one priority. We need to seal the perimeter. I want four cars on 24-hour surveillance sharpshooters on the roof, and a canine team. And remember, we're working with a nut here.
Detective Simms: And who are you?
Will: He's the nut we working with. [laughs]
Carlton: Carlton Banks. I'll be your point man on this little operation.
Detective Simms: Well, I'll tell you what, you let us do our job, and we'll let you do whatever it is you do.
Quote from Carlton
Geoffrey: This fax just came in.
Carlton: Oh, my God.
Will: What? What does it say?
Carlton: It says, "I'm gonna kill you, Banks."
Will: Yo. Hey, it's a death threat against Uncle Phil.
Vivian: What?
Hilary: What?
Carlton: Dad? Oh, thank God. I thought it was for me.