Carlton Quote #479
Quote from Carlton in Stress Related
Philip: Hey, Will. How did your first day go?
Will: Oh, it was great, Uncle Phil. Listen, after I got finished changing light bulbs and moving boxes they gave me something important to do. I moved a big box.
Carlton: Well, that's the problem with menial jobs, Will. You're completely at the mercy of someone else's whims. Now, if you'd have taken a more executive corporate-like endeavor, such as myself then you'd be your own man. Not sitting around like some puppet waiting to be beckoned. [phone rings] That's them. That's them.
[answers phone] Hello? No. She's not here right now. She'll call you tomorrow. [hangs up] Ashley, call Felicia tomorrow.
Ashley: What did you do that for?
Carlton: I need to keep the line clear.
The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air Quotes
‘Stress Related’ Quotes
Quote from Geoffrey
Geoffrey: Soy meatloaf, madam?
Vivian: Yes, Geoffrey. I am through serving that fat-filled cholesterol-ridden mess.
Geoffrey: Say what you will, but he is a good provider.
Quote from Philip
Geoffrey: Your sandwich, sir.
Philip: Thank you, Geoffrey. What is this?
Geoffrey: Tofu and rice cakes. I tried to warn you. Mrs. Banks has run amok.
Philip: Geoffrey. Geoffrey. Now, if you'll go to my office and look in my desk...
Geoffrey: Gone, sir.
Philip: My pimento loaf?
Geoffrey: I'm afraid so, sir.
Philip: But I still have some bologna in the...
Geoffrey: She got that too, sir.
Quote from Carlton
Carlton: And in conclusion, if you follow these steps as I have outlined then I guarantee you'll be successful. [applause] Thank you.
Student #1: You still haven't told us what you do.
Carlton: Well, I was previously in expeditious comestible management. And, um, currently, I'm overseeing a myriad of options.
Student #2: Do you even have a job?
Carlton: Well, strictly speaking, I-
Student #3: He's a bum just like my Uncle Eddie.
Student #4: Excuse me, sir. Are you really a bum?
Carlton: Back off, sister.
Student #1: You got an attitude problem.
Carlton: Damn right I've got attitude. Just wait till you grow up. You'll see how tough it is. There are sharks out there and you're all little guppies waiting to be devoured. Oh, sure, you can lie back in your protective little womb called high school and pretend the world is your oyster. But one day it's gonna turn on you like the rotting milk in your stinking little lunchboxes. Thank you.