Carlton Quote #469

Quote from Carlton in Get a Job

Carlton: Excuse me. Break it up. You, out. Big Bird, back to work.
Will: Hey, I don't know why I'm doing this dumb mess in the first place.
Carlton: Because if you don't, I'll fire you from the Peacock. You'll drop out of school and be wrestling for scraps with a guy named Joe in the dumpster behind the Sizzler. But, hey, you have to live your own life.


 ‘Get a Job’ Quotes

Quote from Geoffrey

Philip: You know, it's true what they say, TV really does add 10 pounds.
Geoffrey: Hmm. What would account for the other 250?
Philip: You know, you're not a man who enjoys employment, are you, Geoffrey?

Quote from Carlton

Will: Aah! So did you do it? Well, I hope you're happy now. You know, you got what you wanted. I'm out. You're in.
Carlton: Is that about it?
Will: No, sir. I have only begun. See, you know what kills me? I was laughing while I was walking home because it's funny. You know, how we can live together all these years, almost like brothers and you could still low-bridge me the way you did.
Carlton: Are you about done?
Will: Oh, no, sir. Furthermore, you little...
Carlton: Snake? Weasel?
Will: Oh, yes.
Carlton: Nerd?
Will: Oh, yes.
Carlton: How about square-headed short stack?
Will: This is not the way this is supposed to be going.

Quote from Will

Carlton: And action.
Will: Hi. As the king of poultry, I know what good chicken should taste like, and if you... Hold up, Carlton. Wait a minute. A chicken eating chicken? That's just sick.