Carlton Quote #97

Quote from Carlton in PSAT Pstory

Hilary: Carlton, will you quit?
Carlton: Quit: from the Latin, quietare, to be at rest or satisfied.
Hilary: He's been doing this all morning. It's really irritating.
Carlton: Irritate: from the Latin, irritare, to excite or stimulate.
Vivian: Okay, Carlton, that's enough.
Philip: Vivian, his PSATs are this morning. He's just trying to be prepared.
Carlton: Prepare: from the Latin, praeparare, to make ready.
Philip: Carlton, shut up.
Hilary: Shut up: from the big guy, your father.


 ‘PSAT Pstory’ Quotes

Quote from Carlton

Carlton: My life is over. I'll be expelled. They'll send me away. I'll have to get a Jheri curl and a tattoo. I'll be subjected to over-crowding, bad food and daily threats of personal violence.
Will: Carlton, I don't think they'll send you to prison for cheating on a test.
Carlton: I'm not talking about prison. I'm talking about public school.

Quote from Geoffrey

Philip: In light of your exemplary service over this past year, I'd like to offer you an additional $20 a week.
Geoffrey: I'm sorry? I thought you said $20 per week.
Philip: I did.
Geoffrey: Very well. Dinner at 7:00 as usual, sir? [Vivian pinches Phil's arm]
Philip: Ow. Of course that's not all, Geoffrey.
Geoffrey: Of course not, sir. I really didn't think so.
Philip: Why don't you treat yourself to a new uniform, on me.
Geoffrey: Thank you, sir, you're most kind. And with my newfound wealth... I can treat myself to a Happy Meal.

Quote from Geoffrey

Vivian: Geoffrey, since you quit, Philip and I have been doing a lot of talking-
Geoffrey: I might as well tell you right now I won't come back for a penny less than $80 more per week.
Vivian: We'll give you $100 a week.
Geoffrey: Oh, thank you. That's most generous. But there is one more thing.
Vivian: Oh, of course there would be some perks, Geoffrey. An extra week's vacation, alternate weekends off, two nights a week off, and extra help for parties.
Geoffrey: Thank you. But that wasn't it.
Hilary: What do you want? A car? A StairMaster? A fax machine? What?
Philip: I think I know what it is that Geoffrey wants and he deserves it. Geoffrey, I apologize for taking you for granted.
Geoffrey: Thank you, sir. That's all I require. Unless you'd be willing to consider a full-time cook? Preferably Jamaican, with an incredible set of... cookware.
Vivian: You're pushing it, Geoffrey.
Geoffrey: It was worth a try. I'll get my things.