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Guess Who's Coming to Marry?

‘Guess Who's Coming to Marry?’

Season 2, Episode 6 -  Aired October 14, 1991

Vivian's youngest sister Janice (Charlayne Woodard) is getting married, and Vy (Vernee Watson) and Aunt Helen (Jenifer Lewis) are in town to attend the wedding.

Quote from Vy

Will: Hi, Mom.
Vy: So what's my little man working so hard at?
Will: Ugh, this math, but hey this can wait. You're only gonna be out here a few days.
Vy: No, don't worry about it. I'll entertain myself. Go ahead. [pulls a chair up next to Will] Wait a minute, baby. [sharpens Will's pencil] [pulls a piece of fluff out of Will's hair] [Will sniffles] Blow.
Will: Mom, what are you doing?
Vy: I said blow. [Will blows his nose] Good boy. [puts a blanket over Will's shoulders]
Will: Come on, Mom.
Vy: Sorry. [blows away Will's eraser marks]
Will: You know what, Mom? I can do this later. Why don't we go somewhere, have some fun?
Vy: Fun? William, you gotta learn how to concentrate. Now your schoolwork comes before anything else. Will. [takes a photo of Will] Now keep studying.


Quote from Hilary

Hilary: Put the champagne over there, then go out and help set up the tables. And if you value your tip, stop looking at my behind.

Quote from Vivian

Vivian: Oh, I can't believe my baby sister's getting married.
Philip: I can. I just paid the florist.
Vivian: Philip, all you ever think about is money.
Philip: No. That's not true, Vivian. Sometimes I think about other things.
Vy: Would you two knock it off? You're married. It's time you start acting like it.
Vivian: Viola, this is why I got married.
Hilary: Mother, please. It's the '90s. I mean, a woman doesn't have to be married to... Like, I read about it, okay?

Quote from Carlton

Vivian: Where's Carlton?
Carlton: Bobby, covering a person's eyes when they're driving is not a very wise thing to do. And don't ever call me a weenie-face in public again.
Bobby: Well, we're in private now, weenie-face.
Vivian: Carlton, take the luggage upstairs. You three will sleep in Carlton's room, and Carlton will sleep in Will's room.
Bobby: I want to sleep with Carlton.
Carlton: I always dreamt when I heard those words it would be Paula Abdul saying them.

Quote from Aunt Helen

Vivian: Wait a minute. Now where is the groom?
Janice: Frank is coming in the morning. He had to take care of some business.
Aunt Helen: Oh, yes. Speaking of taking care of business, does he? Forever is a long time, sister.
Vy: Not in front of Will, please.
Janice: Viola, wake up. Will is 17 years old. He's probably taking care of a little business himself. Aren't you, Will?
Will: Absolutely not!

Quote from Carlton

Carlton: Well, I'm definitely getting married, and I want my wife to be a virgin.
Will: Well, you better hurry up, man. Mother Teresa ain't getting no younger.
Carlton: My wife: the limber, but unspoiled Bridgetta. She'll be an excellent homemaker and have the breasts the size of Australia.
Will: I don't know, man. I just can't imagine waking up to the same woman every day for the rest of my life... no matter how big Australia is.
Carlton: Come on, Will, you really don't want to get married?
Will: I don't know, man. Maybe one day. You know, when I'm old and gray. You know, around 29, 30 years old.
Carlton: Heck, by then young Carlton will be interviewing for preschool and Carltonette will be a little croissant in the oven.
Will: That's good. Then they'll be able to baby-sit little Will, Wilma, Williamina, Wilton, and Baby Willy.

Quote from Carlton

Will: Carlton?
Carlton: Yeah?
Will: Is that your feet, or did you break wind?
Carlton: Sorry, Will.

Quote from Will

Will: Carlton, come on, man. It is not that serious.
Carlton: I'm head usher and there's no one to seat. I'll be all dressed up with absolutely nothing to do.
Will: Just think of it as one of your dates.

Quote from Carlton

Bobby: Cousin Carlton, tomorrow can you take me to Disneyland?
Carlton: Forget it. I will not be an accomplice to the murder of Mickey Mouse.
Will: You know, Bobby, I love it when you come to visit, man. They appreciate me so much more when you leave.

Quote from Aunt Helen

Geoffrey: Mr. Frank Schaeffer.
Vy: Yes. Welcome to our family. I'm Vy. I raised Janice, and looking at you, I know I raised her right. Those are the other two sisters.
Aunt Helen: Oh, yes. Cute, cute, cute, and cute. A dangerous combination. Why don't you come in, make yourself comfortable?
Carlton: Your little woman will be down any minute.
Cabbie: Great.
Philip: Thanks a lot, buddy.
Frank Schaeffer: Thanks.
Janice: Baby. [kisses Frank]

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