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Quote from Philip in Papa's Got a Brand New Excuse

Philip: Sit down.
Lou: I ain't got time for no lecture.
Philip: I said, sit down, Lou. You know, Will was doing just fine till you showed up. But now that you're back, you have responsibilities to him.
Lou: Look, we're still gonna take the trip.
Philip: Oh, bull! Bull. Will is not a coat that you hang in the closet then pick it up when you're ready to wear it. His life goes on. He's not supposed to be here for you. You're supposed to be here for him.
Lou: You get off my back! You think I want this? It just happened. Now, when Will was a baby, I was scared...
Philip: Oh, cut the crap, all right? Cut it. Because I've been there. But I didn't run out on my family. I was there every day for them. Because that's what a man does.
Lou: Fine, Philip. You win. You the man. You a better man than me. You happy? Now you gonna tell Will or not?
Philip: I'm not gonna do your dirty work for you.
Lou: Fine. I'll call him from the road.
Philip: Yeah, why don't you do that?
Lou: Yeah, I'll do that.

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