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Red Sees Red

‘Red Sees Red’

Season 3, Episode 2 -  Aired October 10, 2000

Red is fed up of nobody following his curfew so he cracks down even more.

Quote from Jackie

Jackie: You know, Steven this hatred thing you have for me is just you protecting yourself.
Hyde: Okay.
Jackie: It's true. You're afraid to reach the peaks of love for fear of being dropped off a cliff. Well, I'm your safety line, Steven. So grab me.
Hyde: Go grab yourself, freak.


Quote from Kitty

Kitty: [o.s.] Okay, bed check. Here we come.
Hyde: Get out!
[Hyde shoos Jackie and Fez into the back room]
Red: [o.s.] Kitty, you're warning him.
Kitty: [o.s.] I'm not warning anybody. Getting closer! [both enter] Okay, um.. We just- We wanted to say good night. [Red rattles the door] And, um, that you're a good boy and even though you do some things that we don't like, we still love you.
Red: And I'm watching you.
Kitty: And I'm cherishing you.

Quote from Fez

Fez: Oh, no, Jackie. They're still out there. What was that? Oh, and they want our pants.

Quote from Red

Red: You hear that?
Kitty: I don't hear anything.
Red: That's right. Nothing. That's the sound of discipline.
Kitty: No, that's the sound of jail. This house used to be fun, until you made it miserable.
Red: Well, I'm sorry, Kitty, but I think it's working.
[Eric, Kelso, Fez, Donna, Hyde, Laurie and Jackie sneak past the sliding door and attempt to push Eric's car off the drive]
Kitty: Oh, you do?
Red: Yes, I do.
Kitty: Oh, you do?
Red: I just said I did.
Kitty: Red. [opens sliding door]]
Red: Oh, hell's bells!

Quote from Laurie

Kelso: It's Red! Run for it!
Red: Freeze!
Laurie: Daddy, thank God you came. They were kidnapping me!

Quote from Kitty

Kitty: [sings] I don't remember growing older
Kitty, Charo & "Gene Simmons": When did they
"Gene Simmons": Sunrise
Kitty: Sunset
Charo: Sunrise
Kitty: Sunset
All: Swiftly fly the years One season following another Laden with happiness and tears
Charo: Give it to me one more time, cuchi!

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