Kelso Quote #234
Quote from Kelso in Dine and Dash
Donna: Hey, Kelso, thanks for dinner. It was great.
Eric: Yeah, it was delicious.
Kelso: Hey, guys, no need to thank me. I'm happy to do it. [opens bill] Okay. Everybody ready?
Eric: Uh, don't you have to pay first?
Kelso: I'm not paying.
Donna: What? What, did you think I was paying?
Eric: Yes. Kelso, we don't have any money.
Kelso: You don't need any. People, we are on a "dine and dash" here. Oh, yeah. 'Cause the only thing better than eating lobster is eating lobster and hauling ass. Let's haul ass.
That '70s Show Quotes
‘Dine and Dash’ Quotes
Quote from Fez
Fez: Uh, yes, excuse me. Um, would you please send your finest imported beer to Caroline and tell her that when I said "Hi" what I meant was, "I'll take you like a stallion." You got that? Like a stallion?
Jackie: Fez, stop ordering stuff.
Fez: Okay, you need to chill out, little girl. Didn't you hear Kelso? The Vineyard is having a dine-and-dash promotion. Everything is free.
Jackie: It's not free, Fez. "Dine and dash" is when you run out without paying.
Fez: So it's stealing? This isn't going to help me with Caroline, is it? Excuse me.
[After Fez whispers to Donna, she whispers to Eric, who gives Kelso a "wet willy"]
Kelso: Hey!
Fez: That's from me, you son of a bitch.
Quote from Hyde
Hyde: Best thing about this joke, it just keeps going and going. [laughs] And not only did we break the law, we screwed our friends while breaking the law.
Kelso: How dumb was he to give me the car keys? I mean, who here trusts me?
Hyde: [o.s.] No way.
Jackie: [o.s.] Not me.
Kelso: Thank you.
Jackie: You know what? Stolen food just tastes better. Dinner roll?
Fez: Guys, I feel bad about Eric and Donna. Maybe we should figure out a way to help them.
Hyde: Sure, we could do that. Or... [chuckles] we could ask ourselves, "How can we make this worse?"
Waiters: [sing] Happy anniversary Happy anniversary Happyy anniversary Donna and Eric.
Waiter: With best wishes from Hyde, Kelso, Fez and Jackie.
Quote from Midge
Red: So, who else needs a drink real bad?
Bob: Tough day at the salt mines, Red?
Midge: Oh. When did you get a job at the salt mines?
Kitty: Here, honey. Play with these.