Jackie Quote #132

Quote from Jackie in Cat Fight Club

Donna: Hey, guys. So, Jackie, Eric won't invite me to dinner tonight. So, do you want to, like, go to the mall or something?
Jackie: That's cool.
Donna: Wait. What do you mean?
Jackie: [gasps] Oh, my God, it worked. I mean... whatever.


 ‘Cat Fight Club’ Quotes

Quote from Jackie

Laurie: Next time we go hiking, make sure you bring a blanket. I think I have a twig in my shorts.
Hyde: What a coincidence. So does Kelso.
Jackie: Burn!
Kelso: Okay, okay. Nice burn. Hi, Jackie.
Jackie: Oh, look. It's Michael and his community chest.
Hyde: Nice.

Quote from Hyde

Eric: And the rest of dinner, was eaten in complete silence. The only sound was the dull throbbing of that vein in Red's giant, shiny head.
Fez: Boy, I'm glad I'm not Kelso. Sure, he's had sex a lot and I am still a virgin, but... Oh, I wish I was Kelso.
Hyde: No, you don't, Fez. Being Kelso is like knowing the truth behind all the deceptions in society, but not being able to convince any of your fellow suburban clones that anything's wrong, man. No, wait. That's me.
Jackie: [laughs] Man, I just totally forgot why I was laughing. Isn't that funny?
Eric: Okay, uh, no more for the cheerleader. Okay?
Fez: Jackie, you seem different. I don't know if it's your hair, your outfit... or your red, puffy eyes.
Hyde: She's Zen, man. I've taken her under my wing. I'm running a dojo of coolness. Jackie, demonstrate.
Jackie: Oogly moogly. Googly. [laughs]
Hyde: Yeah, it's her first day.

Quote from Hyde

Hyde: No, man, Zen. At peace. Aloof. Zen.
Jackie: Oh. Okay, then... Hyde, will you teach me how to be Zen?
Hyde: You can't just teach someone to be Zen, Jackie. You can only learn to be Zen.
Jackie: Okay, I don't understand.
Hyde: Exactly. And that's your first lesson.
Jackie: Huh?
Hyde: Jackie, if you want to be my student, you need to follow my instructions without question.
Jackie: Okay. Okay. See? I can do that.
Hyde: Okay. First thing, finish polishing my boots.
Jackie: Hyde, how's that gonna help...
Hyde: What?
Jackie: Okay.
Hyde: You're gonna make a fine student. Shine, grasshopper. Shine.