Kitty Forman Quotes     Page 40 of 40

Quote from Sheer Heart Attack

Red: Well, Kitty, cardiologist says I don't have to take my heart pills anymore.
Kitty: Well, that is wonderful news. [chuckles] Oh, and you know what this means? We can bring back fried-cheese Fridays!
Red: It's not good news, Kitty. I just bought a four-month supply of heart pills I don't need now. That's 200 bucks down the crapper.
Hyde: Why don't you just sell them? You know, there's a seedy subculture that buys drugs for recreation. I saw one time on an after-school special.
Kitty: Well, you can't sell drugs. It's illegal, and it should be. Because people shouldn't have easy access to addictive substances that dull their senses. [grabs wine bottle and glass] I will be in the bath.


Quote from Sheer Heart Attack

Kitty: So, Fez, I hear you've been with a different woman every night. I just hope you're doing the gentlemanly thing. Thank-you cards never go out of style.
Fez: Actually, Miss Kitty, I'm hanging up my leather pants. Yes. I'm ready to be with the one woman I should've been with all along.
Kitty: Fez, I've told you a thousand times, Mr. Forman and I are very happy together. [laughs] I'm just kidding. So, is this woman someone I know?
Fez: Yes. [drinks] And I know for a fact that she likes me.
Kitty: Oh. Oh! Fez, I am so happy for you. New love is exciting. I remember the first time I tried Peppermint Schnapps.

Quote from Sheer Heart Attack

Kitty: Steven, how could you?
Hyde: Just a product of my environment. Wait, what are you talking about?
Kitty: We know you've been selling drugs out of the house. This is the worst thing you have ever done. You have turned my living room into East St. Louis.
Red: So, please, just admit what you're doing. It'll be better for everybody.
Hyde: I'm not admitting to anything. Although if I were selling drugs, it's probably 'cause I don't have a new 19-inch TV to keep me off the streets.
Kitty: What? Steven, we do not reward this kind of behavior. Right, Red?
Red: Right. A 13-inch TV should do the trick.
Kitty: Why are you even discussing this? If ever there were a time for your foot to be ankle-deep in someone's bottom, it's now!

Quote from Sheer Heart Attack

Kitty: Red?
Red: Look, I know what I did was wrong. But don't you even want to know what I was going to do with the money?
Kitty: I don't care.
Red: I was going to take you on a vacation to the Wisconsin Dells.
Kitty: Oh, my God, I feel like a Kennedy! Oh, and the Dells are three counties away. We're going to have to take the Interstate. [goes upstairs]
Hyde: Well, that worked out pretty good. You're going to the Dells, I'm getting a new TV.
Red: Yeah. And you're going to love watching that new show called Blow It Out Your Ass.

Quote from Leaving Home Ain't Easy

Bob: Well, look who it is. Come over to insult me again? I don't know, maybe take another cheap shot at my outfit?
Kitty: Okay. There is nothing wrong with your outfits. Red thinks they're tacky but I've explained to him that you're just Italian.

Quote from That '70s Finale

Hyde: Wow. Wine at 11:30, huh? Did you run out of bourbon?
Kitty: Well, I am just a complete wreck. I've decided I don't wanna leave Wisconsin.
Hyde: Did you tell Red?
Kitty: Well, I've been trying to but he's just, he's so excited about Florida. Oh, but I've been dropping hints. I told him that sunshine makes people whistle because I know how much he wants to punch those people in the face.

Quote from You Can't Always Get What You Want

Kitty: How could you think it would be okay to miss Thanksgiving? You might as well just rip my heart out and drown it in my delicious giblet gravy.
Red: It's not just Thanksgiving. You used to have goals and ambition. But now, one week you're chasing butterflies, the next week you're skating around the neighborhood dressed like Liberace.
Eric: Did it ever occur to you guys that I don't know what I'm doing? Okay? I'm scared.
Kitty: Of what, honey? We got rid of the spooky lamp in your room.

Quote from You're My Best Friend

Kelso: You know, when was the last time that Red took you out for a night on the town?
Kitty: Well, a couple of weeks ago he took me to the movies and then when it was over he came back and he picked me up.

Quote from An Eric Forman Christmas

Eric: Yeah, Christmas used to be so cool. Now it's just another day.
Kitty: Okay. Okay. It sounds like somebody needs a little holiday cheer. I know! [laughing] You could direct the Christmas pageant at the church.
Eric: Hey, yeah, that's the worst idea I've ever heard!
Kitty: Eric, you used to love that pageant when you were a little boy. And you need some Christmas spirit. And I already signed you up.
Eric: Well, it was fun when we were kids. Then again, so was eating crayons. Yeah, okay. I'll do it.
Kitty: Good. Okay, now, Steven-
Hyde: No! No!
Kitty: Oh. So you won't be in a show about how there was no room at the inn even though this innkeeper gave you a room?
Hyde: Your guilt has no power over me! I'll do it.
Eric: Fa la la la la La la la- boned [chuckles]

Quote from Bohemian Rhapsody

Donna: Mrs. Forman, what a great idea, making a tape to send to Eric in Africa.
Kitty: Oh, please, I am full of great ideas. [chuckles] When he went to camp, I sent him a huge card with my face on it that says, "Mommy loves you." [laughs] Well, it made him miss me so much he begged to come home the very next day.
Donna: Ah, yes, the summer of 1,000 wedgies.

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