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It's All Over Now

‘It's All Over Now’

Season 7, Episode 15 -  Aired February 16, 2005

Donna loses her job at the radio station when she refuses to wear a skimpy outfit suggested by her new sex symbol colleague, Sarah (Eliza Dushku). Jackie wants to talk to Hyde about their relationship but doesn't know how to approach him. Meanwhile, KRed goes to the record store to get Tom Jones' autograph for Kitty after she comes down with the flu.

Quote from Hyde

Angie: Okay, Tom Jones is booked and everything is set. [sighs] You know, I don't think there's anything more exciting than a promotional event gone right.
Hyde: Then you need to get drunk and ride a mechanical bull.
Angie: You know, you're being more of a tool than usual. Have you talked to Jackie?
Hyde: No, Angie. What do I have to say to Jackie?
Angie: That you love her and miss her.
Hyde: I don't love people. I love Camaros, Zeppelin and french fries, in that order.


Quote from Eric

Eric: [chuckles] You guys, I just had this brilliant idea. You know how every dirty word has a number? Instead of cursing, you could just say that number. Like I could say, "Hyde, go three yourself."

Quote from Fez

Jackie: Hey, Fez, I need your advice.
Fez: You should show more leg.
Jackie: I'm serious. I still love Steven and I want him back. Everything reminds me of him. Every time I walk past a pile of dirty laundry, I start crying.
Fez: Then you should go to him and tell him how you feel.
Jackie: No, I cannot go up to Steven and pour my heart out to him if I'm not sure he feels the same way. I couldn't take the rejection.
Fez: Oh, please, I've been rejected a million times. And trust me, after the first 100 or so, they don't sting no more, baby.
Jackie: I wouldn't even know what to say.
Fez: Okay, let's role-play. Pretend I'm Hyde and say everything you want to say to him to me.
Jackie: Really? Okay. Steven, I love you and I want you back.
Fez: I never thought I would hear those words, my darling. [goes to kiss Jackie]
Jackie: Ew!
Fez: I'm sorry, I got a little carried away. I'll be serious this time, I promise.
Jackie: Okay. I love you and all I want is for us to be together. [Fez goes to kiss Jackie] Oh, get off me, weirdo.
Fez: I'm the weirdo? You're the one saying, "I love you," smack! "I love you," smack! You little tease.

Quote from Eric

Donna: So, you see, Mr. Randall, I don't think it's necessary for me to wear a bikini. I mean, what is sexier than a little bit of mystery?
Mr. Randall: Well, according to my research, naked boobies. All right, look, ratings are down, and I think this could really help.
Donna: Well, I'm not gonna strip for a radio advertisement. It's demeaning.
Sarah: I'll do it.
Donna: You will?
Mr. Randall: Yeah, of course she'll do it. This whole billboard was her idea.
Donna: What?
Mr. Randall: Unlike some people, I care about this radio station. Plus, I just love wearing a bikini. When I put one on, I jiggle just like jelly.
Eric: Well, she jiggles just like two perfectly filled water balloons, but I'm afraid you'll never get to see them, or touch them, or make a motorboat sound with your mouth between them, because she is a lady!

Quote from Eric

Donna: Sarah, you knew that I would never do this. You were just trying to make me look bad.
Mr. Randall: And it's working. You're fired.
Donna: Wait, you're firing me because I won't strip?
Eric: No, no, you know what? I'm a gentleman, and I normally don't use this kind of language. But, Mr. Randall, you are one sixing, sevening monkey-fiver. You think your one don't stink? Well, three off, you threeing three. Come on.

Quote from Red

Hyde: Ladies, ladies, I realize Tom Jones is late, and I have an announcement to make. Shut up!
Red: [enters] Holy crap. It's like a water buffalo convention. I'm not waiting two hours for a lousy autograph. Excuse me, excuse me. Excuse me. Sorry, watch your feet. Excuse me, excuse me. Excuse me there, buddy.
Bob: Hey, no cutsies.
Red: Oh, hell, I don't need Tom Jones. I'll sign the damn album myself. Excuse me. Who pinched my behind? Bonnie! Your husband hasn't even been dead two months.

Quote from Kelso

Donna: I am freaking pissed. Sarah puts on a bikini, and whammo, she gets me fired? That little bimbo set this whole thing up and I am freaking pissed!
Kelso: Well, see what happens when you try to skate through life using your brain? For the millionth time, people, it's all about the looks!
Eric: Well, I refuse to trade on my good looks to achieve success. Eric Forman don't play that game.
Donna: Well, I'm not gonna let her get away with this. I need to think of a way to get even.
Kelso: All right, you need to do something brilliant, that's subtle but clever. Hit her in the face with a Wiffle ball bat.
Donna: Um, I don't think that's exactly what I'm looking for.
Kelso: Okay, well, then, you've obviously never been hit in the face with a Wiffle ball bat.
Eric: Wait a second. Sarah's gonna be broadcasting live from the record store, right?
Donna: Yeah.
Eric: Okay, then I got an awesome idea.
Kelso: Well, if it's hitting her in the face with a Wiffle ball bat, you stole that from me.

Quote from Red

Red: Here it is, Kitty, a signed Tom Jones album.
Kitty: Oh. Aw. Oh, thank you. Oh, I hope he wasn't upset I couldn't be there myself. Did you tell him I had the flu?
Red: Didn't come up.
Kitty: Well, what did you talk about?
Red: Fishing.
Kitty: Tom Jones fishes?
Red: Yeah, it's surprising, I know. I'm so surprised that I'm gonna go upstairs and take a nap.

Quote from Eric

Sarah: Okay, I've just been handed a hot, new record. So here's George Carlin with The Seven Dirty Words You Can't Say on Television or Radio. Huh. It seems like I almost shouldn't play it. Oh, well.
Donna: Eric, thank you so much. That was a great idea.
Eric: You're welcome. Now let's go home and five all night.

Quote from Donna

Donna: Those women at the record store flipped when they heard the seven dirty words, especially word number four. They do not like word number four.
Eric: It was awesome, man. Uh, Sarah got fired. The station manager got in trouble, and Donna got her job back. I'm telling you, if I weren't unemployed and living with my mommy, I'd be wickedly cool.
Kelso: Well, if you'd have hit somebody in the face with a Wiffle ball bat, this would have been over hours ago.
Donna: Okay, not only did I get my job back, but I had conditions. I told Mr. Randall I'd be fully clothed at all times, and he said okay. I told him to stop demeaning women, and he said okay. And I told him to respect me for my mind and my ideas and not my looks, and he said okay.
Eric: So do you want people to stop calling you Hot Donna?
Donna: No, that makes me feel pretty.

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