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Season 2, Episode 12 -  Aired January 12, 2017

When the Cloud 9 instore product is rebranded, Cheyenne tries to get as much of the discounted old range as she can. After Jeff snaps at Dina, Mateo tries to warn him that the employees are talking about his behavior. Meanwhile, Amy and Glenn learn that Jonah is on a two year deferment from college.

Quote from Jonah

Rex: Iceman. I mean, look at you, man. It has been too long.
Amy: I'm sorry, we're gonna need to take it back to "Iceman"?
Jonah: Yeah, that was my nickname in school. They, uh, you know, ice in the veins, cool and collected.
Rex: It's because you were always cold in class. You had that afghan.
Jonah: That was a blazer. That was a knit blazer.
Amy: Oh, my God. You're Iceman.
Jonah: I'm gonna hear this again, aren't I?
Amy: Yes, Iceman, you are, Iceman.


Quote from Mateo

Dina: "You're the manager, so you're the most at fault here." That guy really sucks. Total asshat, right?
Justine: I hate his little eyes.
Dina: I hate his stupid face.
Mateo: I literally hope he dies.
Dina: What?
Mateo: Yeah, I... I hope he does. I hope he dies. I really hope he dies. Just dead.

Quote from Jonah

Jonah: [on tape] Our team formulated a plan that featured WOM marketing, message-sending, and, of course, fluid branding...
Amy: Oh, my God, this is amazing. Look at that little suit. It's like his bar mitzvah.
Glenn: Aww.
Jonah: It looks like a normal-size suit to me.
Garrett: All those words, and you said absolutely nothing.
Amy: Oh, Rex, thank you for giving us this gift.
Jonah: Okay, I think we've seen enough.
Amy: Ah!

Quote from Mateo

Mateo: I need to pull off the veil of secrecy.
Jeff: What are you doing? What is that? Is that something you've practiced?
Mateo: Just a couple times in the mirror, don't worry about it. Okay, listen. I know you're really stressed out, but, okay, this isn't you, okay? People are starting to complain.
Jeff: Who?
Mateo: Just, people, okay? Dina didn't like the way you talked to her in front of everybody. She called you an asshat.
Jeff: An asshat? Well, that's hurtful. Uh, but I will try to do better.
Mateo: And just since the veil of secrecy is off, I feel like you've been mentioning your ex-boyfriend a little too much. Not the time. Got it. Veil on. I love that you and Chad are still close.

Quote from Jonah

Jonah: [on video] Direct WOM management and indirect WOM management...
Amy: Garrett, can you please formulate a global strategy to fold the yoga pants in Softline?
Garrett: I will fold them along multiple distribution channels.
Jonah: Very clever. So great to reconnect with you, Rex. [Rex chuckles]
Jonah: [on video] You know what? Blech, that's kind of a boring topic, unless... You rap about it.
[Amy gasps. Jonah turns the TV off]
Amy: Jonah!
Jonah: Okay, party's over.

Quote from Dina

Jeff: Nice job with this area, everyone. Good job managing, Dina.
Dina: Thank you, Jeff.
Jeff: Oh, also, uh, sorry if I've been a little bit harsh lately, but if anybody has a problem with me, I prefer they say it to my face than call me an asshat behind my back. Good job with this area. [walks off]
Dina: [chuckles] Well, it seems we've got a rat in the store. I'm not mad. I'm not upset. I'll allow myself to feel those things after I've hunted down and torn apart whatever little weasel tattled on me to Jeff. Does anyone else hear that? It's like a high-pitched ringing. [punches cardboard cut-out]

Quote from Glenn

Jonah: Hey, you, uh, wanted to see me?
Glenn: Yeah, please, have a seat. I was reviewing my files, and I noticed there was something wrong with your contract, so you need to sign a new one. Just standard boilerplate, you don't really need to read it.
Jonah: "The undersigned agrees to work exclusively at Cloud 9 for the next 30 years"? This is very flattering, but I obviously can't sign that.

Quote from Glenn

Glenn: Okay, well, that's, uh, disappointing. What is it that you want? Is it... is it money?
Jonah: No.
Glenn: 'Cause there's no money left in the budget, but I could fire someone.
Jonah: Glenn.
Glenn: Maybe Larry.
Jonah: You don't need to fire Larry.
Glenn: Oh, God, the poor man has lupus.
Jonah: It's not about...
Glenn: No, no, I'll do it. He's gone.

Quote from Dina

Dina: Oh, my God, it was Sandra. Oh, I am gonna drop-kick that bitch back into whatever volcano she crawled out of...
Mateo: Wait, um, wouldn't it be worse if we didn't even tell her that we know, just ice her out, never talk to her again and don't tell her why? It's pretty much the meanest thing you can do to someone.
Dina: I don't know. I didn't have a single friend in high school, and I loved it there.
Mateo: Yeah, but, Sandra's not as strong as you.
Dina: You're right.
Mateo: Yeah.
Dina: She's the weakest person I've ever met.

Quote from Garrett

Jonah: So, uh, just had a really weird convo with Glenn. Look, um, I don't have a crystal ball, okay? I... I don't... I don't know what's gonna happen in life, but I know one thing, and that is that we are always gonna be friends.
Garrett: Hmm, you say that, but I don't know if I can believe you.
Jonah: You can.
Amy: No, I... I think that you'll probably just forget about us.
Jonah: No, Amy, I would never forget about you guys. You guys are... are everything to me.
Garrett: You're just this little flicker of sunlight that brightened our lives for a short while.
Amy: And now you must take that light to someone else, but it's okay because a little piece of your magic lives inside each and every one of us.
Jonah: Okay.
Amy: Be free.
Jonah: Forget I said anything.
Garrett: [flatly] No, wait, don't go, please. Who's gonna force me to try tahini?

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