Jonah Quote #463

Quote from Jonah in Favoritism

Jonah: Oh, hey, look at that. Triscuit sale, two-for-one. Hey, you've got a thing coming up. Is that, uh... Do you need... Do you need snacks or is it, like, a non-snack gathering?
Garrett: Okay, buddy, you're being weird. My thing next Friday is just a few dudes that you don't even know. No work people have been invited. So just relax.
Jonah: Okay. Is... Is Randy invited?
Garrett: Yeah, sure. Randy's gonna be there.
Jonah: I know Randy. I used to say hi to him all the time back when we lived together. In fact, he even asked me to move my car once 'cause I was blocking him in.
Garrett: Yeah, I just don't like mixing my worlds. I don't bug you for hanging out with Amy and her kids all the time.
Jonah: I'm not always hanging out with Amy.
Garrett: Look, I'm not saying it like it's a bad thing. It's just you got your own stuff going on, I got my own stuff going on. To each their own stuff. It's great.
Jonah: But I... I have room for more stuff. I'm like a hatchback. You can always cram more in me. [to a customer] Don't... Don't make it dirty.


 ‘Favoritism’ Quotes

Quote from Justine

Amy: Okay, let's start by hearing everybody's work experience. You first, Justine.
Justine: Oh, okay. Well, um, I have worked here for over three years, and before that I was a dog groomer. So I guess you could say I am good with hot-tempered bitches. [chuckles] I'm sorry. I'm very nervous.
Amy: No, thank you, Justine, for answering the question.

Quote from Mateo

Amy: Okay, Mateo, uh, you?
Mateo: I, um, can type 100 words per minute.
Amy: Oh, wow.
Mateo: And I am currently on a three month trial of the full Microsoft Office Suite.

Quote from Mateo

Mateo: [sings] ♪ There were nights where the wind was so cold ♪
Justine: You really need your assistant to sing to you?
Amy: It helps with stress. You should've known that. Ten points deducted.
Justine: No
Mateo: ♪ Right outside the window ♪