Dina Fox Quotes     Page 48 of 48

Quote from Lowell Anderson

Glenn: Please give a warm welcome to Cloud 9 royalty: Mr. Lowell Anderson. [applause]
Dina: It's an honor, sir. Dina Fox, co-manager, 12-time employee of the month, highest quarterly shrink reduction in the region 2013, never taken a vacation day.
Lowell Anderson: Oh, me neither. How 'bout sick days?
Dina: Nope... I was out for 49 hours when I gave birth.
Lowell Anderson: Ha! Then I win.
Dina: Yes, sir. Thank you, sir.


Quote from Lowell Anderson

Dina: Should I have told Lowell Anderson about our new MERV filters?
Garrett: Yeah, the whole time I was like, why isn't she mentioning that?
Dina: Yeah, I know.

Quote from Lowell Anderson

Dina: You know, maybe it was my fault. I didn't explicitly say "don't break up with my boyfriend for me."
Garrett: Hold on. Okay, Brian called me. I wasn't trying to break you guys up.
Dina: Oh, come on. No one is buying that. Look at you. You are dying to date me. You're practically drooling.
Garrett: Okay, you know what? You're the one who keeps bringing this up. Maybe you're the one who's dying to date me.
Dina: That's ridiculous. You do nothing for me. But if you want it so bad, I mean, I can take pity on you, and we can get dinner tonight.
Garrett: Okay, so we'll go out to dinner because I want to. Not you, me.
Dina: Exactly. And you probably want to go somewhere fancy, like Tony Rotundo's because that's how pathetic you are.
Garrett: Oh, sure. You just happened to mention my favorite restaurant because clearly you don't care about me at all.
Dina: Pfft, you're loving this. I bet you are gonna have a great time.
Garrett: Oh, more like you will. Time of your frickin' life.

Quote from Perfect Store

Dina: I know Amy being back is a very big deal, so as her best friend, I'm just going to put to rest any possible questions so we can save time. Yes, California is warm. No, Zephra does not have those egg-shaped nap pods. Yes, she is roughly the same weight as when she left, and, yes, Parker is still frail and practically translucent.
Amy: No, actually, Parker is thriving in California. He loves it. Both kids do. And so do I... [laughs] But I am happy to see all of you.
Dina: Okay, Amy, you heard me. There's no time.
Amy: Then why did you bring up my weight?

Quote from Perfect Store

Amy: Okay, so they wouldn't be sending someone all the way out here if it was just about sales. I mean, my guess is they're looking at soft factors, like aesthetics and customer experience.
Jonah: Oh, boy, you think they're gonna be looking at the Quincy store?
Glenn: We're up against the Quincy Cloud 9, the jewel of St. Louis? The whole place is so clean and beautiful, and they got the skylight and the fresh-cut flowers, and their customers are so pleasant to look at. I mean, not one of them makes you wince when you see them. How do they do that?
Jonah: Yeah, we do seem to have a high wince factor.
Amy: I mean, I think that, just for today, it would be okay to turn away some of our more colorful clientele.
Dina: No weirdos, no uggos. I'm on it.
Glenn: Well, wait, I'm gonna go with you, 'cause weirdos have feelings too.
Dina: You're right. I should be more sensitive. I gotta remember, I've got a cousin that's a weirdo.

Quote from Perfect Store

Cheyenne: Ooh, Dido just texted. The analyst is here.
Jonah: Okay, it's go time. Janet's outside on freak watch. Glenn, you guard the duffel bag and keep tall people away. I'm gonna cover Megan, and Amy's gonna coordinate from the back.
Amy: Exactly, because Megan and I have been in work meetings together, so she knows what I look like.
Dina: Mm, does she? Or do you just know what she looks like? Doesn't always go both ways.
Amy: She knows who I am, Dina.

Quote from Perfect Store

Dina: Hey. I thought you might want a snack since you're stuck back here.
Amy: So you thought I was gonna eat five bags of Doritos?
Dina: No, I just wanted to give you flavor options. I'll put the rest of them back.
Amy: No, I don't want to make more work for you.
Dina: Thank you. Very thoughtful. Hey, it really means a lot that you came back here even knowing you'd have to deal with the Jonah of it all.
Amy: Yeah, well, I mean, it's less weird than I thought it would be. It's actually kinda nice. I mean, it's nice to see everybody. Anyway, so you're really not with Garrett?
Dina: Oh, he wishes. Yeah, he's obsessed with me. I'll take pity on him. We go to the odd dinner. I spend, like, three nights a week at his house. We take weekend trips. [laughs] He loves it. It's pathetic.

Quote from All Sales Final

Amy: I mean, just that Chicago has all that wind, and Hannah's here.
Jonah: Oh, we broke up.
Amy: What? Oh, no. I'm so sorry.
Jonah: It's fine. No, it's... I mean, we only dated for, like, a month.
Amy: Oh, man, that is not long enough. Well, I had no idea that you two had broken up.
Dina: Yes, you did. I told you they broke up, like, ten minutes ago.
Amy: No, you didn't.
Dina: Oh. No, I didn't tell you that. It was the other Latina employee, and you all look the same to me because I'm a racist, so that's something I should probably work on.

Quote from All Sales Final

Dina: Hey, um, when the store closes, do you want to... keep hangin' and bangin', like, as my boyfriend?
Garrett: Yeah. Yeah.
Dina: Okay. Cool.

Quote from All Sales Final

Dina: Have to say, I always thought when they shut this place down, it would be because of something you did.
Glenn: [chuckles] Me too. [chuckles] Hey. Take care of the old gal, will you?
Dina: I will.

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