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Customer Safari

‘Customer Safari’

Season 5, Episode 20 -  Aired April 2, 2020

Amy has lunch with Jonah, his parents and brother. Back at the store, Garrett runs a contest for the Cloud 9 employees to snap pictures of their weirdest customers, and Dina is thrown when her boyfriend, Brian, visits the store.

Quote from Dina

Brian: Everything good?
Dina: Yeah, Glenn's got this handled and, you know, his mind and body are... fine.
Brian: Yeah. He seems great.
Dina: Totally. I just remembered, I left all my felt tips uncapped in the security office, and those are just gonna be drying out like crazy, so I just need to go and put the- the little helmets on the soldiers.
Brian: Okay.


Quote from Mateo

Cheyenne: K-Fai, What the hell? I told you to make sure no one took a pic of you before I did.
K-Fai: Okay, he's hella sneaky. I did not see him.
Mateo: Wait, you're K-Fai? Oh, my God, you're cheating. You totally tried to stage "clothes same shade as skin."
Cheyenne: Shh! Yes, but only because I, like, wanted to win.
Mateo: Okay, I feel like if Garrett knew about this, he would totally kick you out of the game, but I'm your friend, so I'm just gonna extort you.
Cheyenne: [sighs] Fine. 50 bucks if I win?
Mateo: Deal. I'm Mateo, by the way. I'm sure you've heard of me.
Cheyenne: Uh, I-I've heard of Brett.
Mateo: Okay.

Quote from Sandra

Dina: Hey, Sandra. Just wanted to introduce you to my boyfriend, Brian.
Sandra: Brian the vet. So nice to meet you. I've heard so much about you.
Brian: Well, one thing I bet you haven't heard is that I'm also a veterinarian. I'm sorry, you just said that.
Dina: Listen, I've got a vet and you've got a messed-up cat. Maybe we could help each other out, 'cause I need to know what's going on. What's with all the phones and the sneaking around?
Sandra: Dina, please, I can't say. I don't wanna get anyone in trouble. Brett just let me follow him on Instagram.
Dina: Okay, well, it's a shame you won't help us 'cause this guy loves doing feline lumpectomies. And refresh my memory, does Biscuit have lumps?
Sandra: So many. It's like holding a bag of marbles.
Brian: Well, I'd be happy to smooth that cat out for you. Free of charge, of course.
Dina: Of course.
Sandra: Okay. Fine. But I'm only giving you this. White board, warehouse. Secret photos, customers, game, $200 prize. But that's all I can say.

Quote from Dina

Brian: Did you just take my photo, you pervert?
Cheyenne: No, I'm not a pervert and you're not that cute. It's for Customer Safari. You're just "pet in baby carrier."
Dina: Ah-ha!
Brian: Ya stung! This was a sting operation, and you confessing that means we can now shut the whole thing down.
Dina: Actually, I coulda shut it down before, but I thought this might be fun for you.
Brian: Well, you were right, 'cause I loved it.

Quote from Dina

Dina: Game over, scrodes!
Brian: Yeah, scrodes! Hi, uh, I'm Brian, by the way. I'm Dina's boyfriend. I met some of you, not everybody, and this is not mine. Borrowed her from a client.
Dina: We know everything.
Cheyenne: Sorry, this guy tricked me into taking a photo of him and his stupid pig. It's so cute though. Can I pet it?
Brian: Yes. [Cheyenne squeals]
Sandra: Oh, man, you guys, Cheyenne really blew it. Ugh, we're all so mad.
Dina: All right, Garrett, give everyone their money back, and then all of you get back to work. But if anyone got VSCO Girl, could you send that me? I still don't know what that is.

Quote from Amy

Jonah: It's just lunch. You're great at lunch. You do it every day.
Amy: Yeah, but your family's gonna be there and you know my eating style isn't for everyone.
Dina: Is there a health inspection or something? Your makeup looks nice.
Amy: Oh, no, just a lunch.
Dina: Oh, good. Your blouse is decent too, and I didn't know what the hell was going on.
Amy: Well, Jonah's parents and brother are in town, so we're having lunch with them. Thank you for the almost compliment. My nerves feel soothed.

Quote from Garrett

Garrett: I did not notice that the kids' leashes had studded leather on them, so that bumps it up some.
Mateo: Did you see the gecko has painted nails, though?
Garrett: I did not. I'm sorry, Cheyenne. Gecko lady's weirder.
Mateo: Yes, I win.
Cheyenne: Whatever... lame.
Sandra: What'd you win? I'll play.
Garrett: Oh, no. It's not a game...
Sayid: I wanna play too.
Garrett: Guys, seriously, no games. Amy's gone, so it's up to us to be responsible employees. I'm kidding. Obviously we're gonna make this a game.

Quote from Jonah

Jonah: A lot of foam. Somebody didn't tilt.

Quote from Jonah

Jonah: It's not worth it. I only see my family a couple times a year. Let's just get through the meal and be the bigger people. [Amy sighs] And then we can, you know, talk trash about him behind his back for weeks.
Amy: Okay, fine, but this high road thing looks better on Michelle Obama.
Jonah: That's fair. Everything looks better on Michelle Obama.

Quote from Dina

Dina: Because something's going on with the employees, and I need to interrogate this suspect.
Brian: Oh, wow, you're not just the assistant manager. You're like a detective. That is cool. Do you ever need any backup?
Dina: No, never work with a partner. No, they're either dead weight or they turn on you. Oh, wait, you meant you.
Brian: If that's okay.
Dina: Oh, yeah! Yeah. Yeah, no, this is great.

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