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Quote from Amy in Cereal Bar

Jonah: You have to admit, it is pretty convenient timing.
Amy: Can you just help me figure out how to play this? Kira Moon isn't some stodgy Cloud 9 CEO. She's young and edgy and fun, and I think she's progressive. Look at her profile pic. It's just a purple square. That's gotta mean something.
Jonah: You know, maybe this could actually be an opportunity.
Amy: No. No, Jonah. No. I know what you're thinking.
Jonah: Oh, come on, I'm just saying, how often do employees get to talk to the CEO? You know, we could bring up some of our issues.
Amy: And have her first impression of us be Veruca Salt barking out orders? [British accent] "But Daddy, I want health insurance now!"
Jonah: That is pretty adorable. I don't know how they'd say no.

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