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Quote from Glenn in Spokesman Scandal

Glenn: No, no. It's not working. We're gonna have to drown this out. Everybody sing, okay? [sings] ♪ Down in the valley where Ezekiel wept ♪ ♪ Cry, Ezekiel, cry ♪ [talks] Come on, what's wrong with you? Garrett, give me a beat or something. Anything. [Garrett beat boxes] Okay. ♪ The finger of the devil is poking through the foam ♪
All: ♪ Cry, Ezekiel, cry ♪
Glenn: Cry it out! ♪ And the slide to hell goes all the way down ♪
All: ♪ Cry, Ezekiel, cry ♪
Glenn: Cry it out!

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