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Quote from Amy in Perfect Store

Mateo: Also, Amy, you should know, Kelly came back, although nothing happened.
Jonah: Why should she know that?
Marcus: Oh, and he also asked Nia out, but she's a lesbian.
Janet: At least, that's what she told him.
Nia: No, I am a lesbian.
Justine: Doesn't matter. He's all about Amy now.
Glenn: Okay, guys, I get that this is really interesting, but come on, we're trying to save our store here. So why don't we split into two meetings?
Dina: Yeah, do you want to take the store-saving one, and I'll take the Jonah-Amy one?
Amy: No.
Glenn: See, this is why we have two managers.
Cheyenne: I call Dina's meeting.
Amy: Okay, how about zero meetings? [all jeer]

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