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Quote from Marcus in Favoritism

Marcus: I got this. Okay. [on the phone] Jeanie! It's Marcus from the warehouse. Hey, I was calling to see if I could check when that shipment's gonna be coming in. Is there any chance we could push that up to Wednesday? Oh. Jeanie in a bottle. 'Cause you're making wishes come true. Buh-bye. [hang up]
Amy: Did you actually just get them to move the shipment up?
Marcus: The key is to talk directly to the truck drivers. Now, I have a great relationship with them since I work in the warehouse.
Mateo: Oh, do you work in a warehouse, Marcus? I didn't know because you only mentioned it, like, a million times.
Marcus: Okay, that doesn't even make sense. There's no way I could've said a million words. That would've taken years.
Mateo: [speaks Tagalog]
Marcus: [speaks Tagalog]
Mateo: [speaks Tagalog]

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