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Quote from Marcus in Forced Hire

Jonah: Okay, you know what, Marcus, no, I'm not doing this, okay? I know I'm supposed to go through you, but I'm just gonna go in there and I'm gonna talk to the warehouse guys myself.
Marcus: You need me, okay? These guys don't relate to you. These guys don't listen to NPR and eat Faberge eggs for breakfast.
Jonah: I would hope nobody...
Marcus: They respond to guys' guys. You know, guys who work with their hands, who know how to grill a burger.
Jonah: Marcus...
Marcus: The kind of guys who would chug a liter of barbecue sauce just 'cause someone dared them to.
Jonah: I disagree, all right? I think they are gonna listen to reason. You underestimate these guys. I'm gonna go in there and I'm not coming out until every single one of them signs these cards.
Marcus: Okay, but you're gonna fail. And I'll be there for you when you do, 'cause we're friends.

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