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Quote from Carol in Perfect Store

Mateo: Carol, congrats on the settlement.
Carol: Oh, thank you, but it was never really about the money. It was about the attention.
Mateo: Either way, well-deserved. [laughs] Hey, listen, do you want a latte? I accidentally put vanilla in it, and then I thought, "That's how Carol likes it!"
Carol: Wow, I can't believe you remember that.
Mateo: What can I say? I'm very detail-orientated. Of course, now you can buy all the lattes you want. You'll need 'em. You'll be busy now. Social engagements, travel planning... I guess that's why wealthy people get personal assistants, huh?
Carol: Oh, I don't know if I need a personal assistant. I like to be hands-on with everything in my life, especially the men. Am I right?
Mateo: [laughs] You are right... and I love it.

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