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Season 3, Episode 21 -  Aired April 26, 2018

While Jonah avoids Amy after she kissed him, the employees find out about Amy's pregnancy. Meanwhile, Glenn and Dina are excited to hear the store might be visited by the Cloud 9 CEO.

Quote from Cheyenne

Dina: Cheyenne, tell us what you remember about the day the tornado hit.
Cheyenne: Um. Okay, I remember I had Chipotle for breakfast. And the guy who made my burrito was like really creepy, but kind of in a hot way. He was like, "What kind of protein do you want?" [chuckles] And I was like, "Carnitas."
Glenn: No, more... what was it like here? At work. In the store.
Dina: Did you think you were going to die?
Cheyenne: Yeah, totally.
Glenn: Could you say that as a complete sentence?
Cheyenne: Uh, sure. [clears throat] I thought I was gonna die.
Dina: Cheyenne, we're getting nothing. Okay? If you thought you were gonna die, maybe act like it.
Cheyenne: Oh, okay, yeah, I can act like that, okay. I remember coming... [coughs] Sorry. I remember coming into... [coughs] to work.
Glenn: Are you okay?
Cheyenne: Ah. I'm sorry. I just... [coughs] Oh, my God, it feels like my throat is closing up. [coughs] Oh, God. I think someone poisoned my drink. Oh, my skin is on fire. [pained yelling]
Garrett: I think we got it.


Quote from Jonah

Amy: You can't just not talk to me.
Jonah: I'm not not talking to you. I just don't want to talk about yesterday. We can talk about anything else. You want to talk about SpaceX, I'm in.
Amy: Uh, okay. I think it's really gross that only rich people get to go to space, and also it's like, focus on Earth problems before we set up shop on Mars.
Jonah: Interesting. Counterpoint.
Amy: Okay, I don't really want to talk about this. I want to talk about yesterday.

Quote from Amy

Jonah: Well, you've got your hands full. So I'm gonna take my break now.
Amy: No, I just really want to finish our talk.
Jonah: We can talk about SpaceX another time.
Amy: No, we can't. Not at the rate that they're burning through capital.

Quote from Marcus

Kelly: [to Jonah] Okay, um, how about a Mother's Day brunch?
Marcus: We doing brunch? I'm always down for brunch.
Jonah: Oh, uh, it's just us.
Marcus: Oh, okay. Well we should meet up afterwards. I'm supposed to meet my mom later that day, but I can blow it off, so it's totally fine.

Quote from Carol

Carol: [on the phone] Hey, Alex, it's Carol from Cloud 9. I got your number off of the vendor list. I was the one that was vaping by the Dumpster last Thursday, and you said, "Are you vaping?" And I said, "Yeah." Anyway, I heard about the breakup, and I just wanted to say sorry. So let me know if you ever want to go grab drinks or you can just come by for a massage or whatever.

Quote from Mateo

Amy: I mean, Adam did offer to get back together, so we'll see.
Sandra: [gasps] You're back with Adam. Yay, Amy.
Amy: Well, no. Not really. I mean, yes, he offered, but I'm not gonna do it.
Mateo: [scoffs] I'm sorry. The father of your baby wants to step up? Do you watch any daytime talk shows? That never happens.

Quote from Amy

Janet: I wouldn't say no to a man offering to support me and my baby.
Amy: He can't support me. He works part time at a PetSmart.
Marcus: Which PetSmart?
Amy: The one on Balson.
Mateo: Oh, that's the good one.
Janet: Oh, wow.
Cheyenne: I bet with his discount you can get a lizard for like nothing.
Amy: I'm willing to pay full price for a lizard if it means I don't have to get back with my ex-husband.

Quote from Marcus

Mateo: I mean, I know it's not ideal, but given the choice between Adam and no one?
Amy: Okay, I don't really want to talk about this anymore. So, uh, let's find something else to talk about.
Marcus: Just one more thing. Ames. I thought a lot about this, and you being pregnant is not a deal breaker for me. I may not be that baby's father, but I'm willing to step up and be its dad.
Amy: Thank you, Marcus. I'll let you know.
Janet: Okay, now two men are willing to be the father. You are running out of sympathy points, girl.

Quote from Jonah

Amy: I'm pregnant.
Jonah: You're... pregnant? With... a baby? Sorry, obviously that's... um. Uh, who...
Amy: Uh, it's Adam.
Jonah: Oh, yeah, Adam. Adam.
Amy: It was just a... it was a one-time thing.
Jonah: How's... How's Adam doing?
Amy: He's... He's good.
Jonah: Great, great. That's... tell him I said hi. Um. I don't know what I'm supposed to do with that.
Amy: I don't know.
Jonah: Why did you kiss me?
Amy: I just... I wanted to. Before everything changed.
Jonah: I can't even... [starts to walk away] You know what? No. Forget it. [turns back] Nope. [stops] Uh-uh.

Quote from Amy

Glenn: Well, that's it for the prepared announcements. Now I'll open it up to the room, in case anyone has something they'd like to say. Maybe about Mother's Day?
Cheyenne: Well, my mom broke parole, so I think that this is gonna be the last...
Glenn: No, Cheyenne. Amy has the floor.
Amy: Oh. Okay, I see. Hey guys, I'm pregnant.
Glenn: What?
Garrett: Wow.
Glenn: What? Oh, my God, out of nowhere.
Cheyenne: I know what you're thinking, but I only told, like, three people, so this is not on me.
Amy: It's fine. Everybody would have been able to tell soon anyway.

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