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The Voice

‘The Voice’

Season 9, Episode 2 - Aired October 2, 1997

George is no longer welcome at Play Now after they discovered he's not really handicapped. Kramer hires an intern. Jerry makes up a funny voice based on his girlfriend's stomach. Meanwhile, Elaine keeps getting back together with David Puddy.

Quote from George

Jerry: You're in there again?
George: [o.s.] I think Play Now is putting something in my food.


Quote from Jerry

Jerry: What is this?
Kramer: I don't know. I found them in your closet. Ever since Darin left, I haven't been able to find anything. He took all my clothes to some cleaners. I'm clueless. [looks at clock] Is that clock right?
Jerry: Yeah. Nine o'clock.
Kramer: I was supposed to pick up Newman at the zoo twelve hours ago.
Jerry: Good-bye Kramer.
Kramer: Jerry, buddy, I got to tell you something. That voice is played.
Jerry: Really?
Kramer: So played.
George: [o.s.] I told you.

Quote from Kramer

Jerry: Trouble down at the plant?
Kramer: It's a drum of oil. Darin and I are finally going to test out my bladder system.
George: You have to drink that whole thing?
Kramer: No, no, no. It's for oil tankers. All I need to do is fill some sort of rubber container with oil and then drop it to see whether or not it can withstand the impact.

Quote from George

George: Would a giant rubber ball work?
Kramer: Conceivably.
George: Well, Play Now has all kinds of different rubber balls. Why don't we test your bladder system at my office?
Jerry: You're not.
George: Oh, yes I am. Mr. Thomassoulo likes to play dirty. Well, there's nothing dirtier than a giant ball of oil.

Quote from Kramer

Kramer: You know, Darin, if you would have told me twenty-five years ago that some day I'd be standing here about to solve the worlds energy problems, I would've said you're crazy. Now, let's push this giant ball of oil out the window.

Quote from Jerry

George: So, check out my view.
Jerry: Wow! Hey, there's Clare. I better go down.
George: Hey, there's Kramer & Darin.
Jerry: There's the giant ball of oil. Clare's right underneath that thing. Clare! Hello! Hello! Hello!
Clare: I don't believe this. I am not looking up if you're going to do that voice.
Kramer: Bombs away.
Jerry: This is going to be a shame. [splat]
George: Hello.

Quote from Kramer

Kramer: Well, that didn't work. Hey, how about this…ketchup and mustard in the same bottle?
Darin: Oh, that sounds interesting, sir.
Kramer: Yeah.

Quote from George

Jerry: Clare won her lawsuit against Play Now. Gee, Play Now is filing for bankruptcy. Guess you're not going in anymore.
George: Yeah.
Jerry: So they're not paying you your…
George: No.
Jerry: So you're pretty much…
George: Yeah.

Quote from Jerry

Jerry: So Clare sure looked real funny covered in oil like that. [does the voice] Hello I got beamed with a giant ball of oil…
George: I'm slippery as an eel.
Kramer: La la la.
Jerry: I'm just so glad it's back.

Quote from Elaine

Elaine: See, this is good. This is the way it should be. You know, why were we fooling ourselves. We belong together.
David Puddy: I want to break up.
Elaine: Ah, nuts!

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