‘The Voice’
Season 9, Episode 2 - Aired October 2, 1997
George is no longer welcome at Play Now after they discovered he's not really handicapped. Kramer hires an intern. Jerry makes up a funny voice based on his girlfriend's stomach. Meanwhile, Elaine keeps getting back together with David Puddy.
Quote from George
Thomassoulo: You win, George. We've had it. If you leave right now and Play Now will give you six months' pay. That's half of your entire contract. Please, just- Just go.
George: You see, if I stay the whole year, I get it all.
Thomassoulo: Want to play hardball, huh? Fine. [over intercom] Attention, Play Now employees, George Costanza's handicapped bathroom is now open on the sixteenth floor to all employees and their families.
George: Well played.
Thomassoulo: I'll see you in hell, Costanza.
Quote from Jerry
Jerry: Hey.
Kramer: Jerry, did you bring the video camera?
Jerry: Yeah, I put a six hour tape in. That should cover the experiment, the arrest, and most of your trial. All right, I'll see you.
Quote from Jerry
Jerry: You're wearing the same clothes as yesterday. You saw Puddy!
Kramer: Oh, hoochie-moochie.
Jerry: Game over. Pay up.
Elaine: No, it was an isolated, sexual incident. We are not back together.
Jerry: Then what do you call it? People don't just bump into each other and have sex. This isn't Cinemax.
Elaine: It was no big deal, okay? I mean we fooled around, then we went out and grabbed a little dinner.
Jerry: Ah, dinner! That's it. You're all the way back!
Elaine: Ugh!
Jerry: Sex, that's meaningless. I can understand that. But dinner, that's heavy. That's like an hour.
Quote from Kramer
Kramer: Darin? What are you doing here? The college canceled the internship.
Darin: I don't care about the internship. I care about Kramerica.
Kramer: Kramerica is no more.
Darin: What about the oil tanker bladder system? We were going to put an end to maritime oil spills.
Kramer: Probably. Darin, you go home. Forget about Kramerica. [closes door; instantaneously opens it again] Well, you're still here?
Darin: I haven't had time to leave.
Kramer: Well, I haven't changed my mind. [closes and opens door again] Well, you are a tenacious little monkey. All right, I'll do it. Kramerica Industries lives! Let's get back to work! [closes door with Darin inside; opens it again] Let's see what Jerry has to eat.
Quote from Jerry
Jerry: You know this girl Clare I am seeing?
Elaine: Yeah.
Jerry: Well, he and I starting joking that when she falls asleep her stomach stays awake all night and talks to me.
Elaine: How is it talking?
Jerry: Well, her belly button is like a mouth. [doing the voice] I'm bored. Talk to me.
Elaine: Oh, I gotta start taking these "stupid" warnings more seriously.
Quote from Jerry
Jerry: Hey, look whose here. Puddy.
Elaine: My Puddy? But we broke up.
Jerry: And yet he continues to live.
Quote from Jerry
Elaine: What about you? You were even engaged, and you cut it off just like that.
Jerry: That's different. I didn't have feelings for those people. But you, you'll backslide
Elaine: You want to bet?
Jerry: Stakes?
Elaine: 50
Jerry: Dollars?
Elaine: All right. Witness?
George: Witness.
Jerry: Done.
George: Percentage?
Jerry & Elaine: No.
Quote from Elaine
Jerry: Hey, I called you last night, where were you?
Elaine: I went out with a... [clears throat] a friend.
Jerry: George?
Elaine: No, no, no.
Jerry: Well, I was here. That's everyone. [Elaine laughs a little too long] Are those the same shoes as yesterday?
Elaine: Oh, you know, I wear these shoes all the time.
Jerry: Your hair, it's somewhat depoofed.
Elaine: It's the new look. You know, Heroin chic.
Quote from George
George: Good Morning!
Woman: Go to hell!
George: Hi, Alice, that's a nice dress.
Alice: Don't even look at me.
George: Hey, Glenn!
Glenn: Glenn: Hey, go tol hell!
George: Heard that one already.
Quote from Jerry
Kramer: So that's the bedroom. Here's the bathroom. If you need to, you can familiarize yourself with the kitchen. Yeah, go ahead and look through some of the drawers.
Jerry: And you are?
Darin: Oh, hey, I'm Darin. I'm new here.
Kramer: Yeah, that's Jerry. You don't have to worry about him. Why don't you go across the hall and get started on that mail.
Darin: Right. [exits]
Kramer: He's a go-getter!