‘The Summer of George’
Season 8, Episode 22 - Aired May 15, 1997
After being fired from his job, George is determined to make this the Summer of George. Elaine's new co-worker, Sam (Molly Shannon), doesn't swing her arms when she walks. Kramer gets a job filling seats at the Tony Awards.
Quote from Jerry
Jerry: Did you tell Peterman about this?
Elaine: Well, I tried, but he thought it was some sort of cat fight.
Kramer: Cat fight?
Elaine: Okay, why? Why do guys do this? What is so appealing to men about a cat fight?
Kramer: [giddy] Catfight!
Jerry: Because men think if women are grabbing and clawing at each other there's a chance they might somehow kiss.
Quote from George
Man: Little help?
George: Hey, Frolf?
Man: Yeah, you know we need a fourth for the back nine. You want in?
[George imagines two bubbles above his head. On the left side, Jerry, and on the other side, the Frisbee. Jerry says: "What's the deal with airplane peanuts?"]
George: Yeah, sure.
Man: Okay, come on.
Quote from George
Jerry: [on the phone] Did you at least pick them up?
George: Yeah, the super glossy. The best they had.
Jerry: Ok, get them over here pronto. We're in towels here, George.
George: All right, All right, keep your towel on.
Jerry: What?
George: It's a joke.
Jerry: All right, that's not bad. Now get over here!
Quote from Elaine
Sam: [on tape] if not in your apartment then in the laundry room or the ATM in the building across the street or the watch shop!
Elaine: Can't you do anything about this? I mean this woman is a psycho!
Cop #1: [purrs]
Elaine: Look, just because I'm a woman...
Cop #2: [meows]
Cop #1: [meows]
Quote from Kramer
Jerry: What's that?
Kramer: [sobs] Tony.
Jerry: What happened to you?
Kramer: Raquel Welch!
Jerry: Yikes. [to Elaine, who has scratch marks across her face] What happened to you?
Elaine: Raquel Welch!
Kramer: That woman is a menace.
Elaine: Yeah, I bumped in to her on the street. It got pretty ugly.
Jerry: Cat fight with Raquel Welch.
Kramer: [giddy] Catfight!