‘The Suicide’
Season 3, Episode 15 - Aired January 29, 1992
Jerry starts dating a woman whose former boyfriend is in a coma. Meanwhile, George cancels a vacation to the Cayman Islands on the advice of a psychic, and Elaine fasts for an ulcer test.
Quote from George
George: Hey, you know what? I just remembered something. I had a dream about that guy last night. This is amazing.
Jerry: What's so amazing? You've seen him before.
George: I haven't seen him for months.
Jerry: What was the dream?
George: I was doing stand-up comedy in Kennebunkport Maine. In this really ominous night club. The stage was on a cliff and the audience was throwing all the comics off.
Jerry: I think I've played there.
Quote from George
Elaine: Hey, George, you know my friend goes to a psychic.
George: Really?
Elaine: Uh-uh, you should go some time.
George: I'd love to go. Make an appointment.
Jerry: Psychics, vacations. How about getting a job?
George: I just got fired.
Quote from Jerry
Jerry: All right, come on, let's get out of here.
Elaine: I wonder what Ghandi ate before his fast.
Jerry: I heard he used to polish off a box of Triscuits.
Elaine: Really?
Jerry: Oh, yeah. Ghandi loved Triscuits.
Quote from Kramer
Kramer: Did you hear about Martin?
Jerry: Yeah, I heard.
Kramer: I can't believe he's in a coma.
Kramer: He's got my vacuum cleaner. You know I loaned it to him. He never returned it. The carpets are filthy. What am I going to do?
Jerry: Who told you about Martin?
Kramer: Newman! He's good friends with him.
Jerry: Oh, big mouth Newman. I should have guessed.
Kramer: He's got all of my attachments, you know.
Jerry: Hey, let me ask you something. How long do you have to wait for a guy to come out of a coma before you can ask his ex-girlfriend out?
Kramer: What, Gina? Why wait? Why not just call Doctor Kavorkian?
Quote from George
Rula: Martin's spirit came to you as a warning.
Elaine: Why would he come to George?
Rula: Because George has heightened extra sensory perception. Faithy, get your finger out of your nose.
George: I knew it. I always felt different.
Rula: You are. Some coffee cake?
George: Drakes?
Rula: Yes.
George: Did you buy this for me?
Rula: No, why?
George: Ha, because I love Drake's Coffee Cake.
Rula: Maybe I did.
Quote from George
Rula: Who's Pauline?
George: Pauline? Wait a minute. I got it. My brother once impregnated a woman named Pauline.
Rula: Do you think about her?
George: When I hear her name mentioned.
Quote from George
Rula: Cut these with your left hand.
George: There was a woman, Audrey. She had a very big nose.
Rula: I see an Audrey, but with a small nose.
George: Yes, yes. She had a nose job. I loved her very deeply. Will she ever speak to me again?
Rula: Not in this life.
Quote from Elaine
Elaine: Should you be smoking?
Rula: Does it bother you?
Elaine: You're pregnant.
George: Elaine.
Rula: I smoked when I had Faithy. Uh-oh.
George: Uh-oh? What? What uh-oh?
Rula: I don't know about this trip George.
George: You can see the Cayman Islands in there? Is something going to happen to me? What?
Elaine: It's really bad for the fetus. Do you know that?
George: Elaine, she's a psychic. She knows how the kid's going to be. Should I not go on this trip?
Rula: George, I am going to tell you something and I want you to really hear me.
Elaine: Now, listen. I just don't know how a person, with everything we now know about prenatal care can put a cigarette in her mouth.
George: Elaine, what are you doing?
Elaine: It's disgusting.
Rula: I don't need this. I would like you both to leave.
Elaine: Oh, fine. I don't like to be around people who are just so irresponsible.
Quote from Jerry
Jerry: Psychics should be licensed. And it wouldn't be hard. We could just give them the regular DMV test. Only with the silver dollars and pizza dough over the eyes. If you can do the parallel park like that, you're a psychic. We can't test these people, there's no question. Like Kreskin. Instead of just hiding his check, why don't we try stopping his check? Let's see how he handles that.
Quote from Newman
Kramer: You should just eat fruit.
Newman: I can't eat fruit. It makes me incontinent.
Kramer: I don't want you eating over here.
Newman: Hello, Gina. Hello, Jerry.
Jerry: Hello, Newman.