‘The Scofflaw’
Season 6, Episode 13 - Aired January 26, 1995
George is surprised to learn that his friend Gary (Jon Lovitz) didn't tell him about his battle with cancer. Meanwhile, Kramer helps the police track down a notorious scofflaw.
Quote from Jerry
Gary: Listen, George, I got some bad news. I'm not gonna be able to give you that parking space.
George: What?
Jerry: What?
Gary: This judge has to use it for some scofflaw. And you know, you can't fight City Hall.
[Jerry looks to George for permission. George gives Jerry a subtle nod]
Jerry: You know, Gary. [slams the door] I had a little chat with George the other day...
Gary: You didn't?!
George: I did.
Quote from Elaine
Mr. Lippman: And now, uh, ladies and gentlemen of the press, it is my pleasure to introduce you to Mr Jake Jarmel. [applause]
Reporter: So Jake, what's your percentage on this book?
Mr. Lippman: Oh, actually I, uh, I have some very interesting information on that. [puts on glasses] You know, uh, this is a co-venture and as...
Jake Jarmel: Where did you get those? Those glasses, where did you get those glasses?
Mr. Lippman: Where... what?
Jake Jarmel: [to Elaine] Is this supposed to be some kind of a joke on me? Because it's not very funny. Give me those! I want the glasses! Give me those! [they tussle]
Elaine: [to a reporter] I'm gonna go look for some socks.