‘The Letter’
Season 3, Episode 21 - Aired March 25, 1992
Jerry tries to break up with his artist girlfriend, but a heartfelt letter changes his mind. Meanwhile, Elaine gets in trouble at a baseball game for wearing a rival team's cap, George is talked into buying a piece of art, and Kramer poses for a painting.
Quote from Jerry
Jerry: Well, now we gotta get a posse together. I love a good posse.
Nina: What's the appeal of the posse?
Jerry: The appeal of the posse? The posse has tremendous appeal. Get away from the job, you camp out, you're with your friends... I mean, come on, it's a week-long game of hide-and-seek on horseback.
Quote from Jerry
Nina: Elaine?
Jerry: Yeah.
Nina: [rolling eyes] This person does not believe in telephones, does she?
Jerry: She likes the pop-in. I've told her how I hate the pop-in. [pointing to George] He likes the pop-in, too.
George: I just popped in now. I'm a big pop-in guy.
Jerry: Yeah.
George: How 'bout Kramer.
Jerry: Oh, huge pop-in guy!
Quote from Elaine
Elaine: Lippman's coming back tomorrow, I'll be fired!
Jerry: If he noticed, he would have called you from Houston!
Elaine: No, he wants to torture me. Oh! Would you gimme the clicker? I hate it when you're the clicker! You go too fast!
Jerry: Get out, I'm a great clicker! I've got great instincts. How dare you impune my clicking.
Elaine: You're all over the dial! You don't know what you want! I've never seen you stay on anything longer than 5 seconds. Gimme that.
Quote from Elaine
[Elaine drops something on Mr. Lippman's desk while he's on the phone. She tries to back out, but he signals for her to stay]
Mr. Lippman: [on the phone] Yeah, yeah. But she wouldn't take the cap off? But didn't she know they were the owner's seats?Aw, that's unbelievable.Yeah. Okay. All right Lenny, thanks again. Take care. [hangs up the phone] That was Lenny West, my accountant, who is a hell of a guy. And he handles the Yankees too. It's his biggest account. So every once in a while, they throw him a couple of seats and last weekend he gave them to his daughter. She's an artist, by the way. Anyway, her daughter gives 'em to some friends, you know. One of her friends shows up wearing a Baltimore cap. You're from Baltimore, right?
Elaine: Um, oh, it's Towson, which is near Baltimore.
Mr. Lippman: Yeah, but you're an Oriole fan, right?
Elaine: Well, uh, fan. You know, my father-
Mr. Lippman: Anyway, she refused to take the cap off; caused a whole big scene!
Elaine: Really?
Mr. Lippman: Yeah.
Elaine: So... impudent.
Quote from Jerry
Jerry: How's it coming?
Nina: Good, good.
Jerry: Seen any good movies lately?
Nina: No... not really. You?
Jerry: No. I like a good comedy. You know, like a Neil Simon? You like Neil Simon?
Nina: Neil Simon? Uh, some of his stuff.
Jerry: I've seen most of it. I guess my favorite would have to be, uh... Chapter 2. Have you ever seen that?
Nina: I don't know... maybe.
Jerry: I have. Funny, funny. In fact, it was on TV just the other night. Happened to catch it. [knock on the door] I couldn't help but notice a stunning similarity- [Jerry is interrupted as Nina answer the door]
Mr. Armstrong: Well, we've made our decision. We want "The Kramer."
Quote from George
George: Five-thousand? Why would anybody buy Kramer for $5000? [laughs]
Jerry: Boy, the Yankees cannot buy a hit tonight!
George: So is it all over between you and... Marsha Mason?
Jerry: Yeah.
Jerry: Oh, and by the way, can you get this thing outta my house?
George: Tell you what, I'll make a deal with you. I'll sell it to you right now for ten bucks.
Quote from Elaine
Sports Commentator: [on TV] Uh, there's seems to be a lot of trouble in the area just behind the Yankee dugout.
George: Behind the dugout, that's where we were sitting the other day.
Sports Commentator: [on TV] Well, we're not going to show it, we don't want to encourage that kind of behavior. Say, it's a young lady, and boy she's really going at it with the security guard. She's a feisty one. And now they're getting the other security guard to come down. How do you like that, Seaver? Boy, she's something. And a Baltimore fan at that. Holy cow.