‘The Keys’
Season 3, Episode 23 - Aired May 6, 1992
Kramer is upset when Jerry decides he's taking liberties with his apartment and asks for his spare key back. As Jerry, George and Elaine swap around their spare keys, Kramer sets out to turn his life around.
Quote from Elaine
Elaine: You weasels!
Jerry: What? What?
Elaine: How dare you!
George: We hardly read anything!
Jerry: It was funny!
Elaine: Who gave you permission to come into my house and just go through all my things? You thought it was funny?
Jerry: Well... [picks up pages] From what I saw...
Elaine: Well, it's just a first draft!
Quote from Elaine
Jerry: Elaine, wait. I need my spare keys.
Elaine: Here. Here's your damn keys, you keep them. I don't want them anymore.
Jerry: Good.
Elaine: And I want my keys back from you!
George: What, you don't want me to hold your keys?
Elaine: No, you can't be trusted!
George: All right, all right, fine.
Jerry: And I don't want you to hold mine.
Elaine: Good. I won't.
Jerry: Good. Don't. Are these my keys?
Elaine: These aren't my keys.
George: Whose are these?
Elaine: I don't know.