‘The Hamptons’
Season 5, Episode 21 - Aired May 12, 1994
Jerry, George, Elaine and Kramer spend the weekend at their friends' beach house in the Hamptons. George is caught in an embrassing position while suffering the effects of "shrinkage".
Quote from George
George: See, look at this. Rachel, my T-shirt shrunk. It used to be much bigger, and now it shrunk. You see, that's what water does. It shrinks things.
Elaine: Really? Tell us more, Mr. Science. [Rachel whispers in Jane's ear, causing her to laugh]
George: What are you doing? What are you, telling secrets? What are you laughing at?
Jane: It's nothing, George.
George: You know, it's very impolite to tell secrets. Are you talking about me?
Jane: What is it with you?
Jerry: [to George] Easy big fella.
Quote from Kramer
Michael: So Kramer, where'd you get all these lobster, at the Fleesher's Market?
Kramer: No, I got 'em in the ocean.
Michael: The ocean? What'd you mean?
Kramer: Well, I found this rope and I kept tugging on it, and all these lobsters came up.
Michael: Those are commercial lobster traps. You can't take lobsters from there. That's against the law.
Kramer: Take it easy. There's plenty of lobsters in the ocean for everyone.
Michael: My father was a lobsterman. He got up every morning at four and came home every night stinking of brine. He sent me through law school with the lobsters he caught! [Kramer stands up and moves away from Michael at the table]
Carol: Here he is.
Kramer: [screams]
Quote from Elaine
Elaine: Some night, huh?
Ben: Yeah, I wish I had my telescope.
Elaine: Some dinner, huh?
Ben: Nothing like fresh caught lobster.
Elaine: Some house, huh?
Ben: It was built by Mark Farman.
Elaine: Some ugly baby, huh?
Ben: What did you say?
Elaine: I said, uh, some snuggly baby.
Ben: He is something.
Elaine: Well, to tell you the truth, Dr. Pfeffer. I was surprised to hear you use a word like breathtaking to describe a baby. I mean, because you also used it referring to me.
Ben: Well, you know Elaine, sometimes you say things just to be nice.
Quote from Jerry
Jerry: You told her?
Rachel: Yeah, what's the big deal?
Jerry: You don't understand. This organ, it's very... schizophrenic.
Rachel: Jerry, what the difference? You know, you're the ones who are obsessed with this stuff, not us. I'm sure it wouldn't matter to Jane.
Quote from Kramer
Kramer: Looking for this? [holds up lobster]
Rachel: Oh, Kramer! You startled me.
Kramer: Well, I thought you might wind up around here.
Rachel: Yeah, well, I couldn't stop thinking about how everyone was enjoying the lobster so much. I thought I little taste wouldn't hurt, huh?
Kramer: I'm afraid I couldn't do that.
Rachel: Why not?
Kramer: Well, that wouldn't be kosher.
Rachel: Come on, Kramer. I really want to try it.
Kramer: Nah, I'm sorry, honey. Not on my watch.
Quote from Kramer
Rachel: Kramer, I just want to thank you again for last night, you really saved me.
Michael: What happened?
Rachel: Well, I almost tried the lobster, but Kramer stopped me.
Kramer: Well, I knew you'd regret it for the rest of your life.
Rachel: You're right, I would have.
Quote from George
Jerry: Hey, look at this guy.
George: A little breakfast?
Jerry: Yeah.
George: [to Rachel] And, uh, you eat eggs, don't you?
Rachel: Yes, I do, thanks.
Jerry: These are delicious. Where did you learn to make eggs like this?
Rachel: Mmm. This is so good.
George: Ah, enjoying them?
Rachel: Mm-hmm.
George: Uh, good. You know, you might wanna try eating it with one of these. [holds up lobster bib]
Rachel: There's lobster in these eggs?
George: Not that much. You know, they tend to shrink in the water.
Quote from George
George: Hey, there's a tomato stand, let's stop, I can get some more.
Jerry: Hey, isn't that Michael's car?
Elaine: There's Rachel.
George: Where?
[As George looks out his open window, a tomato hits him in the face]