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The Hamptons

‘The Hamptons’

Season 5, Episode 21 - Aired May 12, 1994

Jerry, George, Elaine and Kramer spend the weekend at their friends' beach house in the Hamptons. George is caught in an embrassing position while suffering the effects of "shrinkage".

Quote from George

George: Great, great. So anytime you want you can just visualize her naked.
Jerry: I guess that's true.
George: Stop it, stop it! This is not fair. It's not fair. I don't like this situation, Jerry. I don't like it one bit.
Jerry: Well, what do you want me to do? You wanna see Rachel naked?
George: Yes, yes! The punishment should fit the crime.
Jerry: You can see me naked. I can offer you that.
George: It's like I'm Neil Armstrong. I turn around for a sip of Tang and you jump out first.


Quote from Jerry

Jerry: Look at the work that people will do to get to the ocean. They'll fight the traffic and the heat and the parking and the hot sand. Trying to get through the waves, and the ironic thing is the ocean doesn't even want us in there. That's what surfing is. Surfing is the ocean throwing us out of itself, you see? We keep trying to paddle in, and the ocean's saying, "No you don't." The ocean is like a nightclub and the waves are bouncers tossing us out. The undertow's like a really mean bouncer. Instead of throwing you out, they take you in back and rough you up a little bit. "Oh, you wanna come in? How about coming in, like, 25 miles?"

Quote from Jerry

George: I can't believe that you saw her before me.
Jerry: Think of me as a doctor.
George: Well, how good a look did you get?
Jerry: Well what do you mean?
George: Well, if she was a criminal and you had to describe her to a police sketch artist...
Jerry: They'd pick her up in about ten minutes.

Quote from Jerry

Kramer: Hey, Jerry. Rub some lotion on my back.
Jerry: Who are you, Mrs. Robinson?
Kramer: Come on, I'll rub some on you.
Jerry: No, that's not sweetening the deal. No.

Quote from Jerry

Kramer: All right, get off at the next exit.
Jerry: Kramer, I've driven to East Hampton many times. I know the exit.
Kramer: It's a great house, pool, sun deck. Ooh. Yeah, I'll be there.
Jerry: You sure we're making the right move?
Elaine: We gotta see the new baby anyway. At least, we'll get a weekend in the Hamptons out of it.
Jerry: Didn't they just have a baby?
Elaine: That was two years ago, remember? "Jerry, you gotta see the baby! You gotta see the baby!"
Jerry: Is it possible they're just having babies to get people to visit them?

Quote from Jerry

Kramer: Hey, Jerry, you ever wear silk underwear?
Jerry: No.
Kramer: Put that on the top of your list.
Jerry: No, not for me. A little too delightful.

Quote from Jerry

Jerry: Well, George and Jane should be almost there by now.
Elaine: Oh, isn't that weird that George and Jane haven't had sex yet, but they're spending the weekend together?
Jerry: I know, George is pretty pleased about it. It's like she signed a letter of intent.
Elaine: When's Rachel coming out?
Jerry: She's making the three o'clock train.
Elaine: Her father is so religious, I'm just amazed that he's letting you see her again after that Schindler's List make-out session.
Jerry: I bought him some kishka.
Kramer: What's that?
Jerry: It's kind of a stuffed meat thing. Israeli soldiers carry it in case they're captured behind enemy lines. They eat it and it kills them.

Quote from George

Jane: Are we almost there?
George: Yeah, about ten, fifteen minutes. But I have to stop at a vegetable stand.
Jane: What for?
George: My mother loves Hampton tomatoes. She's nuts for Hampton tomatoes.
Jane: Can you buy 'em later? I really wanna get some... sun.

Quote from George

George: You know, when I was a kid, I once found a dollar and fifty cents in change on the bottom of the pool.
Jane: [flatly] You must've been excited.

Quote from Elaine

Jerry: So when're we gonna see this baby? When is the momentous event?
Elaine: I don't know. They're taking a nap or something.
Kramer: I'm gonna go see if there are any girls on the beach. Elaine, you wanna come?
Elaine: No thanks. I got plenty of girlfriends.

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