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The Gum

‘The Gum’

Season 7, Episode 10 - Aired December 14, 1995

George obsesses about being short-changed by the cashier at Monks. Meanwhile, Kramer helps revive an old theater.

Quote from Kramer

George: Lloyd Braun? What do you have to meet him for?
Kramer: Well, he's using his connections in the Mayor's office, to uh, get the theater landmark status.
Jerry: I thought he screwed up the Dinkins campaign.
Kramer: Well, he did. You know, after that, he had a nervous breakdown? Had to spend a few months in an institution.
George: Really?
Kramer: Yeah, but he's doing a lot better now. I've taken him under my wing.
Jerry: Oh, then I'm not worried.


Quote from Jerry

Lloyd: Gum?
Jerry: That's an interesting package.
Lloyd: Yeah, it's from China. Go ahead, try a piece. Tell me that's not the most delicious gum you've ever tasted.
Kramer: Yes, yes. We shall all try a piece and tell you how delicious it is.
Lloyd: George?
George: I don't chew gum.
Jerry: Mmm, different. Where'd you get it?
Lloyd: A friend of mine in Chinatown gave it to me. If you want I can ask him where he got it.
Jerry: Nah, don't bother.
Lloyd: No, it's no problem.
Jerry: I don't want it.
Kramer: Jerry, Jerry. Lloyd says it's no problem. He's capable of locating the gum.
Jerry: All right.
Kramer: Mmm, delicious. This is delicious. Mmm.

Quote from Jerry

George: Hey.
Jerry: I think I finally figured out what the flavor is in this gum. It's a little lo meiny. [spits it out]
Elaine: What kind is that?
Jerry: It's Chinese gum. Lloyd Braun gave it to me.

Quote from Elaine

Elaine: Lloyd Braun? How's he doing?
George: After Dinkins lost the election, he had a complete nervous breakdown. They had to lock him up.
Elaine: You know, that's around the same time I broke up with Lloyd. Y... You don't think that I had anything to do with his breakdown, do you?
Jerry: You know, I remember when we parted company, I was babbling incoherently for months.
Elaine: Yeah? Well, I got news for you.

Quote from George

George: The whole time that I was growing up, all I ever heard from my mother was "Why can't you be more like that Lloyd Braun?"
Jerry: And in the end Lloyd Braun became more like you.
George: [snaps his fingers]

Quote from Elaine

Lloyd: Kramer tell you? We reserved some special seats, so we can all sit together.
Elaine: Oh, well... I, uh... Actually, Lloyd, Jerry and I have to sit in the front row, um.... because, uh... because... Because he forgot his glasses. So, uh, thanks for getting us... Um, we'll see you afterwards. [Jerry and Elaine exit]
Lloyd: That was odd. Am I crazy, or does Jerry not wear glasses?
Kramer: You're not crazy. Jerry does wear glasses. He just forgot them, that's all. [puts an arm round Lloyd's shoulder] Not crazy.

Quote from George

Deena: Poor Lloyd.
George: I know. Completely bonkers!
Deena: Sorry I can't be so flip about this kind of thing. You know, after what happened to Pop?
George: Pop? What happened to Pop?
Deena: I thought you heard. He had a nervous breakdown last year. That's why I'm taking care of him.
Pop: [lifts head from under the hood of the car] Oh, I tell you, they don't build them like this any more.
George: He, uh, he doesn't have the auto shop anymore?
Deena: Uh, no, it was too much for him.
George: Um, I, I gotta go.
Deena: What?
George: I just remembered, I gotta be someplace. That's enough. Pop. Pop, put down the wrench, Pop.

Quote from Kramer

Kramer: Yeah, put these glasses on.
Jerry: What's this for?
Kramer: Yeah, well Lloyd, he's gonna be here any minute now.
Jerry: So what?
Kramer: Well, he thinks you wear those. They're from the lost and found at the Alex.
Jerry: Oh, come on, Kramer, this is ridiculous. I'm not gonna put these on.
Kramer: Oh. Okay. So he'll just think that the two of you didn't sit with him on purpose. Yeah, that's very nice. Very nice.

Quote from George

George: Excuse me. I was in here this morning and, uh, I believe I paid you with a twenty dollar bill, but you only gave me change for a ten.
Ruthie Cohen: I don't think so.
George: Oh, I think so, and I can prove it. You see, I was doodling on the bill and uh, so if you have a twenty in there with big lips on it... well, that's mine. Would you mind opening up the register?
Ruthie Cohen: Not unless you buy something.
George: Fine, I'll buy a pack of gum.
Lloyd: Hey George. Thought you didn't chew gum?
George: I don't.
Ruthie Cohen: Take a look.
George: [thumbs through notes] I know I gave it to you.
Lloyd: George, would you mind? I'm kind of in a hurry.
George: Fine. Fine. Excuse me. Think I'm gonna forget about this? I haven't forgotten about this. I don't forget that easily!

Quote from George

Jerry: So you say she was on a horse?
George: I'm telling you, that cashier is riding horses on my money.
Jerry: Well, here's what I propose. Go down to the stables, snoop around. See if any high-flying cashier's been throwing twenty dollar bills around with big lips.

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