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The Fire

‘The Fire’

Season 5, Episode 20 - Aired May 5, 1994

George panics when there's a fire at his girlfriend's apartment as she hosts a birthday party for her son. Jerry is heckled at the comedy club by Kramer's girlfriend.

Quote from Jerry

Kramer: Hey, Jerry. Toby, this is Jerry.
Toby: This is so exciting! Look, I have goosebumps! Touch! Touch them! [Toby screams with excitement as Jerry touches her arm] I've never been to a comedy club before!
Jerry: Really! You know, a lot of restaurants are serving brewed decaf now, too.
Toby: You are so funny!
Jerry: Oh, you'll have a good time, I swear.
Toby: Oh! He swears, like he thinks I don't believe him. I believe you. I believe you! Oh, he's so funny!
Kramer: What about me?
Toby: [serious] What about you? [laughs] I'm only kidding. You're funny, too. I love to laugh.
Jerry: Good, good.


Quote from Jerry

Jerry: Men definitely hit the remote button more than women...
Toby: Oh, really! Really! That is so true!
Jerry: Yes, yeah... See, men don't care what's on TV. Men only care what else is on TV.
Toby: Yes! Yes! Right on! Right on!
Jerry: See, women really want to see what the show is before they change the channel...
Toby: Oh! Oh, that is so true, yes! Yes! Yes!
Jerry: That's why men hunt and women nest.
Toby: Boo! Boo! Hiss! Boo!
Jerry: Yeah, anyway. All right- Anyway, what was I talking about?

Quote from Jerry

Jerry: Hey, what's the deal? What was going on there? I invite you down here, I have an important show, and she heckles me?!
Kramer: Look, she didn't mean anything.
Jerry: Well, what is the matter with her? Is she crazy?!
Kramer: She's just being enthusiastic, that's all!
[Toby enters]
Jerry: Hey! What is wrong with you?!
Toby: Me? Nothing's wrong with me.
Jerry: You boo me?! You hiss?! You didn't stop blathering throughout the whole set!
Toby: Oh, come on. I thought you're a pro. That's part of the show.
Jerry: No, not part of the show! Booing and hissing are not part of the show. You boo puppets! You hiss villains in silent movies!
Toby: Well, that's the way I express myself. How are you gonna make it in this business if you can't take it?
Jerry: Oh, I can take it.

Quote from Elaine

Kramer: Hey, Elaine, did you hear the good news? Toby got promoted!
Elaine: Yes, I heard, Kramer. I work there, remember?
Kramer: Yeah, and you know what she told me? She said her first order of business is to put my coffee table book into the bookstores as soon as possible.
Elaine: Oh, wonderful!
Kramer: You know, throughout this whole thing, she always kept a smile on her face.
Elaine: Oh, of course! She's deranged.

Quote from Jerry

Jerry: I mean, Bozo the Clown. I mean, does he really need "the clown" in his title, as clown? Bozo, "the" clown? Are we going to confuse him with Bozo the district attorney? Bozo the pope? There's no other Bozo.

Quote from George

George: He's got a gun! He's got a gun!
[George pushes his way through other patrons. Jerry's audience hears the commotion and starts to scatter]
Robin: George! This is Ronnie Kaye!
George: The prop comic? Oh, hi... I didn't recognize you. What, did you get a haircut?
Ronnie: Nostrils.
Jerry: George - could I have a word?

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