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The Engagement

‘The Engagement’

Season 7, Episode 1 - Aired September 21, 1995

Fed up with their love lives, Jerry and George vow to make a change. George follows through by proposing to Susan. Meanwhile, Elaine is tormented by a loud dog.

Quote from Jerry

Jerry: Hey, wait a second. Wait a second. How about some champagne?
George: Champagne?
Jerry: Yes, come on! How often do you get engaged? Come on!
George: Okay! All right!
Jerry: You know what? [checks refrigerator] No champagne. [both shrug] Anyway, I'll see you later.
George: Yeah. [exits]


Quote from Newman

Kramer: Hey, what do you think they'll do to us?
Newman: Ah, don't worry about a thing. In twenty minutes, that place will be swarming with mailmen. We'll be back on the street by lunch.

Quote from Elaine

Elaine: I gotta make some changes. I'm not a woman. I'm a child. What kind of life is this?

Quote from George

George: Well, you got no place to go. I'll tell you what your problem is. You brought your queen out too fast. What do you think, she's one of these feminists looking to get out of the house? No, the queen is old fashioned. Likes to stay home, cook. Take care of her man. Make sure he feels good.
Liz: Checkmate.
George: I don't think we should see each other any more.

Quote from Elaine

Elaine: Shut up! Shut up, you stupid mutt!

Quote from Jerry

George: Anyway, look who's talking. You just broke up with with Melanie last week because she "shushed you" while you were watching TV.
Jerry: Hey, I got a real thing about "shushing".

Quote from George

George: What is this? Did you ever get the feeling like you've had a haircut but you didn't have one? I'm all itchy back here.

Quote from Jerry

Jerry: Well, this is it. I'm really gonna do something about my life, you know? You know, I think I'm gonna call Melanie again. So what if she shushed me. George, I am really gonna make some changes.
George: Yes. Changes.
Jerry: I'm serious about it.
George: Think I'm not?
Jerry: I'm not kidding.
George: Me, too.

Quote from Jerry

Jerry: [on the phone] Melanie, you can shush me at every opportunity. So, we're all straightened out? You happy, Pappy? Oh, it was just an expression. All right, well, that's very sweet of you. Okay, I'll call you later. All right, bye. Hey!

Quote from Elaine

Elaine: Three hours of sleep again last night. Three hours of sleep because of that dog.
Kramer: What dog?
Jerry: Why don't you call the police?
Elaine: I did, Jerry. They won't do anything.
Kramer: Yeah. What dog?
Elaine: There is this dog in the courtyard across from my bedroom window that never, eever stops barking.
Kramer: Don't.
Elaine: I lost my voice just screaming at this thing. I can't sleep. I can't work. I mean, I just moved. I can't move again. What am I gonna do? What? What am I gonna do?

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