‘The Checks’
Season 8, Episode 7 - Aired November 7, 1996
After Jerry achieves a sudden fame in Japan, George tries to sell the failed pilot to the Japanese. Meanwhile, Elaine's boyfriend is moved by a song, and Kramer plays host to some tourists.
Quote from Elaine
Elaine: Brett said you ran away from him, as if he were the boogityman.
Jerry: Boogeyman.
Elaine: Boogie?
Jerry: I'm quite sure.
Quote from Elaine
Jerry: Anyway, any luck getting together on a song?
Elaine: No. He blew out my Witchy Woman, and he won't share Desperado. Hey, what do you think of "Oye Como Va"?
Jerry: Eh.
Elaine: Well, I'm running outta guys here in this city, Jer!
Quote from George
George: Great news. I showed the pilot to Kramer's Japanese friends. They loved it!
Jerry: Really? They bought the butler character?
George: Did I tell you that story's relatable?! That was a great show! That is why I'm bringing it back to NBC.
Jerry: NBC?
George: Nakahama Broadcast Corporation.
Jerry: Ah. But they told us we must go now.
George: But now I have my own market research. Actual Japanese viewers, that love the show!
Jerry: Hey, George, do me a favor. If they make you an offer, whatever it is. Just take it!
George: Hey, by the way, what'd you think of Miss Yoshimura?
Jerry: Who?
George: The network executive. You think she liked me? [Jerry closes the door]
Quote from Jerry
Jerry: [answers phone] Yeah?
George: Jerry! The Japanese guys had sake in the hot-tub! You gotta get 'em outta the drawers and get them down here, or I don't have a focus group to sell the pilot to Japanese TV!
Jerry: Uncle Leo?
George: Jerry! [repeatedly slams the phone]
Jerry: All right, all right. I'll wake them up. [to himself] Hmm, testy.
Quote from George
Mr. Oh: [Japanese: "Jerry Seinfeld is a dangerous lunatic. He wouldn't let us out of the drawers. Then he came at me with an axe."]
Male Executive: [Japanese: We suspect his friend here is also unbalanced."]
George: So, uh, gentlemen, do we have a deal?
Quote from Jerry
Jerry: Brett, I'm, I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to hit you in the head with.. an axe. At least it was just the handle!
Brett: It was a beautiful cabinet. What am I gonna tell... I can't remember his name!
Jerry: Fleckman?
Elaine: Calm down, Brett. Okay. You could have a concussion. Calm down. [sings] Desperado, mmm-mm-mmm. You better...
Elaine & Jerry: ...let somebody love you. Let somebody love you, before it's too...