Jerry Quote #1559
Quote from Jerry in The Pothole
Jerry: It's a hundred thousand revolutions a second. It's the most powerful one they make.
Jenna: It's like I'm holding a blender.
Jerry: The engine's made by McDonnell-Douglas. [as she stops brushing] Oh no, you keep going. It shuts off automatically.
Jenna: Really, it does?
Jerry: [to himself] When the battery runs out.
Seinfeld Quotes
‘The Pothole’ Quotes
Quote from Kramer
Jerry: What's this?
Kramer: Well, you know those annoying little bumps on the lane-lines? [makes bumping noises]
Jerry: Isn't that some kind of safety thing?
Kramer: Well, I had to pull them up if I'm gonna widen the lanes.
Jerry: What the hell are you talking about?
Kramer: Ah, you know how in planes they got first class? More legroom, better ride. Well, I'm bringing that concept to mile 114.
Elaine: How are you gonna widen the lanes?
Kramer: Well, you black out lane-lines one and three, and a four-lane highway becomes a two-lane comfort cruise. [to Jerry] So, you got any black paint?
Jerry: Yeah, in my tool shed, next to the riding mower.
Quote from Kramer
Kramer: [smoking a cigar] Well, I'm a poppa.
Jerry: Bring it on. Nothing's throwing me at this point.
Kramer: [hands Jerry a cigar] Well, as of today I am a proud parent of a one-mile stretch of the Arthur Berkhardt Expressway.
Jerry: Oh, that adopt-a-highway thing.
Kramer: Yeah, I'm part of the solution now, Jerry. Yeah, I went down there and I checked it out this morning. Here, take a look. Mile 114.
Jerry: Aw, looks just like you.
Kramer: Aw, I'm beaming Jerry.
Jerry: So what do you have to do? Pay to keep it clean?
Kramer: They try to push you into using their cleaning crew, with all their so-called maintenance equipment.
Jerry: That old scam.
Kramer: Yeah, well, that's why I'm doing it all myself. This parenting isn't about delegating responsibility, it's about being there.
Jerry: At the side of the road with a pile of garbage.
Kramer: Quality time.
Quote from George
George: So?
Jerry: So? She used the toothbrush!
George: You said you grabbed it out of there real fast, right?
Jerry: Yeah.
George: So I'm sure whatever germs it landed on were knocked out, and by the time the rest of them realized what was going on, you had already grabbed it out.
Jerry: How many years of med school did you have?