Elaine Quote #722
Quote from Elaine in The Checks
Elaine: Ah, I think I'm on the outs with Brett. I got shushed during Desperado.
Jerry: What does he listen to? The all Desperado station?
Elaine: He is just in his own world when he hears that song. It's like, I'm sitting there in the car, and he's out riding fences.
Seinfeld Quotes
‘The Checks’ Quotes
Quote from George
Jerry: It's the twirling that dazzles the eye.
George: I find it disorienting. Who buys an umbrella anyway? You get them for free in the coffee shop in the metal cans.
Jerry: Those belong to people.
Quote from Kramer
Kramer: Oh, by the way, tell Brett that his chest of drawers are a big hit. My guests are very comfortable in them.
Elaine: In them?!
Jerry: You have them sleeping in drawers?!
Kramer: Jerry, have you ever seen the business hotels in Tokyo? They sleep in tiny stacked cubicles all the time. They feel right at home.
Jerry: This has international incident written all over it.
Kramer: Oh yeah, yeah.
Quote from George
Jerry: No spiel?
George: Not a peep. They just cleaned the carpets and left. They call themselves a cult!
Jerry: So you're angry that this bizarre carpet cabal made no attempt to abduct you?
George: They could've at least tried!
Jerry: You know, maybe they thought you looked too smart to be brainwashed?
George: Please.
Jerry: Too dumb?