George Quote #125

Quote from George in The Baby Shower

George: She dragged me down to that warehouse on the waterfront in Brooklin to see one of her "performances".
Jerry: Oh, and she's on stage cooking dinner onstage for some celebrity?
George: God! She's cooking dinner for God! She's yelling and screaming, and the next thing I know, she throws a big can of chocolate syrup all over my new red shirt.
Elaine: It was an accident!
George: Oh, yeah, sure. Accident, right. She was aiming right at me like she was putting out a fire! Then, for the rest of the show, I'm sitting there with chocolate all over my shirt. Flies are landing on me. I'm boiling - I'm fantasizing all the things I'm gonna say when I see her. And later, finally, backstage when I talk to her, I'm a groveling worm. "What kind of chocolate was that? Do you throw any other foods?"
Jerry: [to Elaine] he thought he still had a shot.
George: And then, then, then she leaves with somebody else! Never even, never even said goodbye! Never called me back.. Never apologized. Nothing. Like I was dirt.
Jerry: What ever happened with the shirt?
George: I still have it. The collar's okay. I wear it under sweaters.


 ‘The Baby Shower’ Quotes

Quote from Jerry

Jerry: What do you do at the end of a date when you know you don't want to see this person ever again, for the rest of your life? What do you say? What do you say? No matter what you say, it's a lie. "I'll see you around. See you around. If you're around, and I'm around, I'll see you around that area. You'll be around other people. You won't be around me. But you will be around." "Take care now." Did you ever say that to somebody? "Take care now. Take care, now. Because, I'm not going to be taking care of you. So, you should take care, now." "Take care. Take care." What does this mean? "Take off!" Isn't that what you really want to say? "Take off now."

Quote from Jerry

Jerry: I'm not afraid of flying, although many people do have fear of flying and, I have no argument with that. I think fear of flying is quite rational, because human beings cannot fly. Humans have fear of flying same way fish have fear of driving. You put a fish behind the wheel, and they go, "This isn't right. I shouldn't be doing this. I don't belong here."

Quote from George

George: Someday, before I die, mark my words, I'm gonna tell that woman exactly what I think of her. I'll never be able to forgive myself until I do.
Jerry: And if you do?
George: Well, I still won't be able to forgive myself, but at least it won't be about this.