Mr. Steinbrenner Quote #8

Quote from Mr. Steinbrenner in The Caddy

Mr. Steinbrenner: Come in! [Wilhelm enters] Ah, Wilhelm.
Wilhelm: Mr. Steinbrenner, I am very concerned about George Costanza.
Mr. Steinbrenner: How about a "good morning"?
Wilhelm: Yes, sir. Good morning. Good morning, sir.
Mr. Steinbrenner: Good morning to you, Wilhelm.
Wilhelm: Anyway, his car's in the parking lot. The front end is bashed in, and there's blood in the car, and we can't find him anywhere. Obviously, he was in some sort of terrible car accident, and, trooper
that he is, he tried to make it into work, sir.
Mr. Steinbrenner: All right, Wilhelm, listen to me. I want the stadium scoured. He could be bleeding to death in the bullpen. Put everyone on alert. Check all the area hospitals, clinics, shelters. We've gotta find that kid.
Wilhelm: Yes, sir. Yes, sir.
Mr. Steinbrenner: We must find George. Find him, Wilhelm!


 ‘The Caddy’ Quotes

Quote from Jackie Chiles

Kramer: And she's the heir to the O'Henry candy bar fortune.
Jackie Chiles: Could you repeat that?
Kramer: I said she's the heir to the O'Henry candy bar fortune.
Jackie Chiles: O'Henry? That's one of our top-selling candy bars. It's got chocolate, peanuts, nougat. It's delicious, scrumptious, outstanding! Have you been to a doctor?
Kramer: No.
Jackie Chiles: [over intercom] Susie, call Dr. Bison, set up an appointment for Mr. Kramer. Tell him it's for me.
Kramer: So what do you think, Jackie? I mean we got a case?
Jackie Chiles: Like taking candy from a baby.

Quote from Jackie Chiles

Kramer: Well, the we saw this woman, and she was wearing a bra with no top.
Jackie Chiles: No top? She didn't have a top on?
Kramer: No. So I got distracted and I crashed the car.
Jackie Chiles: Well, how would you describe this woman? Would you say she was an attractive woman?
Kramer: Oh, yeah.
Jackie Chiles: So we got an attractive woman, wearing a bra, no top, walking around in broad daylight. She's flouting society's conventions!
Kramer: She was flouting.
Jackie Chiles: That's totally inappropriate. It's lewd, lascivious, salacious, outrageous!
Kramer: It was outrageous.

Quote from Jackie Chiles

Jackie Chiles: Your honor, we request at this time, that Miss Mishke try on the bra.
Judge: This court will come to order. Go ahead, Miss Mishke, try it on.
[Sue Ellen attempts to put the bra on over her top, but it's too small]
Sue Ellen: It doesn't fit. I can't put it on.
Jackie Chiles: [to Kramer and Stan] Damn fools! Look at that! We got nothing now! Nothing! I've been practicing law for 25 years, you're listening to a caddy! This is a public humiliation! You can't let the defendant have control of the key piece of evidence. Plus, she's trying it on over a leotard. Of course a bra's not gonna fit on over a leotard. A bra gotta fit right up a person's skin. Like a glove!