George Quote #1589
Quote from George in The Bookstore
George: They made me buy it. A hundred bucks this thing cost me. How dare they?! I got news for you, if it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books.
Jerry: Yeah. I understand Guttenberg used to spend a lot of time in there.
George: They're selling coffee, bran muffins. You're surrounded by reading material. It's entrapment!
Jerry: "French Impressionist Paintings"?
George: I find the soothing pastorial images very conduc-
Jerry: Thank you very much.
George: Well, I'm gonna go back there later and return it when there's different people working. You want to catch a movie?
Jerry: I can't. I'm meeting Uncle Leo. I saw him shoplifting at the bookstore.
George: All right, Leo! Sticking it to the man!
Seinfeld Quotes
‘The Bookstore’ Quotes
Quote from George
Rebecca DeMornay: So, you want to donate this to charity?
George: Well, I assume there's some sort of write-off.
Rebecca DeMornay: What's the value of the book?
George: Uh, about two hundred dollars, Miss DeMooney.
Rebecca DeMornay: It's DeMornay. Rebecca DeMornay.
George: Oh.
Rebecca DeMornay: [opens cover] Oh, wait a second. This book has been in the bathroom.
George: Wh- What are you talking about? That- That's ridiculous.
Rebecca DeMornay: It's been flagged. I know. I used to work in a Brentano's. Mister, we're trying to help the homeless here. It's bad enough that we have some nut out there trying to strap them to a rickshaw!
George: All right, I, I'll just take fifty. Do- Do we have a deal?
Rebecca DeMornay: Yeah, and here it is: You get your toilet book out of here, and I won't jump over this counter and punch you in the brain!
George: I could take it in merchandise.
Rebecca DeMornay: Here I come.
Quote from George
George: May I ask, what do you read in the bathroom?
Jerry: I don't read in the bathroom.
George: Well, aren't you something?
Quote from J. Peterman
J. Peterman: Elaine, do you have a moment? It's about your lover.
Elaine: Oh, yes. I know all about his little performance in the break room.
J. Peterman: Elaine, who among us hasn't snuck into the break room to nibble on a love newton?
Elaine: Love newton?
J. Peterman: I'm afraid the problem with Zach is more serious. He's back on the horse, Elaine. Smack. White palace. The Chinamen's nightcap.
Elaine: An addict? Well, it just keeps getting better!
J. Peterman: And, in a tiny way, I almost feel responsible. I'm the one who sent him to Thailand in search of low-cost whistles. Filled his head with pseudo-erotic tales of my own opium excursions. Plus, I have him some phone numbers of places he could score near the hotel.