George Quote #1282
Quote from George in The Checks
George: All right, I gotta go home and open up with the house for the carpet cleaners. You know, they're doing my whole place for $25?
Kramer: Oh, no, no, no. Not the Sunshine Carpet Cleaners?
George: Yeah, you heard of them?
Kramer: They're a crazy religious cult. The carpet cleaning is just a means for them to get into your apartment.
George: So? For a twenty-five dollar cleaning, I can listen to some pointless blather.
Jerry: I do it. I'm not even getting the cleaning.
Seinfeld Quotes
‘The Checks’ Quotes
Quote from George
Jerry: It's the twirling that dazzles the eye.
George: I find it disorienting. Who buys an umbrella anyway? You get them for free in the coffee shop in the metal cans.
Jerry: Those belong to people.
Quote from Kramer
Kramer: Oh, by the way, tell Brett that his chest of drawers are a big hit. My guests are very comfortable in them.
Elaine: In them?!
Jerry: You have them sleeping in drawers?!
Kramer: Jerry, have you ever seen the business hotels in Tokyo? They sleep in tiny stacked cubicles all the time. They feel right at home.
Jerry: This has international incident written all over it.
Kramer: Oh yeah, yeah.
Quote from George
Jerry: No spiel?
George: Not a peep. They just cleaned the carpets and left. They call themselves a cult!
Jerry: So you're angry that this bizarre carpet cabal made no attempt to abduct you?
George: They could've at least tried!
Jerry: You know, maybe they thought you looked too smart to be brainwashed?
George: Please.
Jerry: Too dumb?