Elaine Quote #602
Quote from Elaine in The Sponge
Elaine: So, you think you're sponge-worthy?
Billy: Yes, I think I'm sponge-worthy. I think I'm very sponge-worthy.
Elaine: Run down your case for me again.
Billy: Well, we've gone out several times. We obviously have a good rapport. I own a very profitable electronics distributing firm. I eat well. I exercise. Blood tests, immaculate. And if I can speak frankly, I'm actually quite good at it.
Elaine: You going to do something about your sideburns?
Billy: Yeah, I told you. I'm going to trim my sideburns.
Elaine: And the bathroom in your apartment?
Billy: Cleaned it this morning.
Elaine: The sink, the tub, everything got cleaned?
Billy: Everything, yeah. It's spotless.
Elaine: All right, let's go.
Seinfeld Quotes
‘The Sponge’ Quotes
Quote from Elaine
Elaine: Hey, I didn't even use one.
Jerry: I thought you said it was imminent.
Elaine: Yeah, it was, but then I just couldn't decide if he was really spongeworthy.
Jerry: Spongeworthy?
Elaine: Yeah, Jerry, I have to conserve these Sponges.
Jerry: But you like this guy, isn't that what the Sponges are for?
Elaine: Yes, yes, before they went off the market. But I mean, now I've got to re-evaluate my whole screening process. I can't afford to waste any of them.
George: You know, you're nuts with these sponges. George is getting frustrated!
Quote from Elaine
Billy: How did you sleep?
Elaine: Great. You?
Billy: Fine, fine. Everything okay?
Elaine: Yep.
Billy: No regrets?
Elaine: Nope. [Billy moves in for a kiss] What are you doing?
Billy: What do you mean?
Elaine: Oh, I don't think so.
Billy: Why not? I thought you said everything was fine.
Elaine: Oh, I wish I could help you, but I can't afford two of them.
Quote from Elaine
Pharmacist: Can I help you?
Elaine: Yeah, do you have any Today Sponges? I know they're off the market, but...
Pharmacist: Actually, we have a case left.
Elaine: A case! A case of Sponges? I mean, uh...a case. Huh. Uh...how many come in a case?
Pharmacist: Sixty.
Elaine: Sixty?! Uh. well, I'll take three.
Pharmacist: Three.
Elaine: Make it ten.
Pharmacist: Ten?
Elaine: Twenty Sponges should be plenty.
Pharmacist: Did you say twenty?
Elaine: Yeah, twenty-five Sponges is just fine.
Pharmacist: Right. So, you're set with twenty-five.
Elaine: Yeah. Yeah. Just give me the whole case and I'll be on my way.