Jerry Quote #1282
Quote from Jerry in The Soup Nazi
Jerry: Yes, I'm a very lazy eater. That's why I like soup. First of all, it looks half-digested when they put it down in front of you, so you feel like half the work is done already. I'm hoping Campbell's comes out with, like, an IV line of soup that you could just jam right into your arm, you know? Campbell's tomato intravenous. Mainline gumbo. Everyone just sitting around at dinner with their soup IV just hanging on the hook, there? "How's yours, Grandpa?" "Oh, chunky style."
Seinfeld Quotes
‘The Soup Nazi’ Quotes
Quote from Jerry
Jerry: There's only one caveat. The guy who runs the place is a little temperamental, especially about the ordering procedure. He's secretly referred to as the Soup Nazi.
Elaine: Why? What happens if you don't order right?
Jerry: He yells and you don't get your soup.
Elaine: What?
Jerry: Just follow the ordering procedure and you will be fine.
George: All right. All right. Let's- Let's go over that again.
Jerry: All right. As you walk in the place move immediately to your right.
Quote from Newman
Newman: [panting] Jerry! Jerry! Jerry!
Jerry: What is it?
Newman: Something happened with the Soup Nazi!
Jerry: Wha- What's the matter?
Newman: Elaine's down there causing all kinds of commotion. Somehow she got a hold of his recipes and she says she's gonna drive him out of business! The Soup Nazi said that now that his recipes are out, he's not gonna make anymore soup! He's moving out of the country, moving to Argentina! No more soup, Jerry! No more soup for any of us!
Jerry: Well, where are you going?
Newman: He's giving away what's left! I got to go home and get a big pot!
Quote from George
[George cautiously steps towards the counter and places his money down. After a brief pause, he tentatively gives his order.]
George: Medium turkey chili. [steps to the left]
Jerry: Medium crab bisque. [steps to the left]
George: [to Jerry] I didn't get any bread.
Jerry: Just forget it. Let it go.
George: Um, excuse me, I- I think you forgot my bread.
Soup Nazi: Bread, $2 extra.
George: $2? But everyone in front of me got free bread.
Soup Nazi: You want bread?
George: Yes, please.
Soup Nazi: $3!
George: What?
Soup Nazi: No soup for you! [snaps fingers]
[The cashier takes George's soup away and returns his money]