Jerry Quote #950
Jerry: To me, the thing about birthday parties is that the first birthday party you have and the last birthday party you have are actually quite similar. You know, you just kinda sit there. You're the least excited person at the party. You don't even really realize that there is a party. You don't know what's going on. Both birthday parties, people have to kinda help you blow out the candles, you can't do it. You don't even know why you're doing it. What is this ritual? What is going on? It's also the only two birthday parties where other people have to gather your friends together for you. Sometimes they're not even your friends. They make the judgement. They bring them in, they sit them down, and they tell you, "These are your friends!" Tell them, "Thank you for coming to my birthday party."
Seinfeld Quotes
‘The Fire’ Quotes
Quote from George
George: [hoarse from shouting] I was trying to lead the way. We needed a leader! Someone to lead the way to safety.
Robin: But you yelled, "Get out of my way"!
George: Because... Because... As the leader, if I die, then all hope is lost! Who would lead? The clown? Instead of castigating me, you should all be thanking me. What kind of a topsy-turvy world do we live in, where heroes are cast as villains? Brave men as cowards?
Robin: But I saw you push the women and children out of the way in a mad panic. I saw you knock them down. And when you ran out, you left everyone behind.
George: Seemingly. Seemingly. To the untrained eye, I can fully understand how you got that impression. What looked like pushing, what looked like knocking down...was a safety precaution! In a fire, you stay close to the ground, am I right? Oh! And when I ran out that door, I was not leaving anyone behind! Oh-ho, quite the contrary! I risked my life making sure that exit was clear. Any other questions?
Fireman: How do you live with yourself?
George: It's not easy.
Quote from Kramer
Kramer: Well, after he heckled Toby, she got so upset, she ran out of the building and a street sweeper ran over her foot and severed her pinkie toe.
George: That's unbelievable!
Kramer: Yeah. Then after the ambulance left, I found the toe. So I put it in a Cracker Jack box, filled it with ice, and took off for the hospital.
George: You ran?
Kramer: No, I jumped on the bus. I told the driver, "I got a toe here, buddy. Step on it."
George: Holy cow!
Kramer: Yeah, yeah. Then all of a sudden, this guy pulls out a gun. Well, I knew any delay is gonna cost her her pinkie toe, so I got out of the seat and I started walking towards him. He says, "Where do you think you're going, Cracker Jack?" I said, "Well, I got a little prize for ya, buddy." Knocked him out cold!
George: How could you do that?!
Kramer: Then everybody is screaming, because the driver, he's passed out from all the commotion. The bus is out of control! So, I grab him by the collar, I take him out of the seat, I get behind the wheel and now I'm driving the bus.
George: You're Batman.
Kramer: Yeah. Yeah, I am Batman. Then the mugger, he comes to, and he starts choking me! So I'm fighting him off with one hand and I kept driving the bus with the other, y ouknow? Then I managed to open up the door, and I kicked him out the door, you know, with my foot, you know, at the next stop.
Jerry: You kept making all the stops?
Kramer: Well, people kept ringing the bell!
George: Well, what about the toe? What happened to the toe?
Kramer: Well, I am happy to say that the little guy is back in place at the end of the line.
George: You did all this for a pinkie toe?
Kramer: Well, it's a valuable appendage.
Quote from George
Jerry: So you feel "women and children first", in this day and age, is somewhat of an antiquated notion.
George: To some degree.
Jerry: So basically, it's every man, woman, child, and invalid for themselves.
George: In a manner of speaking.
Jerry: Well, it's honest.
George: Yeah. She should be commending me for treating everyone like equals.
Jerry: Well, perhaps when she's released from the burn center, she'll see things differently.
George: Perhaps.
Jerry: So, what was the fire? Just a couple of greasy hamburgers?
George: Yeah. Eric the clown put it out with his big shoe.