Kramer Quote #272

Quote from Kramer in The Junior Mint

George: What's with the gloves?
Kramer: Well, I'm staining my floors and, you know, I don't want to get my hands dirty.
George: What, the whole apartment?
Kramer: The whole apartment. And I'm buying that fake wood wallpaper. I'm gonna surround myself in wood. It's gonna be like a log cabin. 'cause I need wood around me. Wood, Jerry. [snaps fingers] Wood.
Jerry: Wood is good.
Kramer: Definitely.


 ‘The Junior Mint’ Quotes

Quote from Kramer

Dr. Siegel: Tell you what. You're obviously concerned about your friend's welfare. A few of my students will be observing tomorrow's operation from the viewing gallery. How would you like to watch it with them?
Kramer: I'd love to watch the operation, yeah!
Jerry: I dunno.
Kramer: Oh, come on Jerry. You gotta see the operation. They're gonna cut him open. His guts will be all over the place.
Jerry: Yeah, that's true.
Kramer: They'll saw through bone. You'll see what's inside bone!

Quote from Kramer

Dr. Siegel: [to Roy] I just wanted to stop by to see if you had any questions about tomorrow's operation.
Kramer: Yeah, I have a question. What do you know about inter-abdominal retractors?
Dr. Siegel: Are you asking because you saw 20/20 last night?
Kramer: I sure am.
Dr. Siegel: Well, that report was about one very specific type of retractor and I can assure you we do not use that kind type of retractor in your friend's procedure.
Kramer: But you will use... a retractor.
Dr. Siegel: We have to.
Kramer: Mmm-hmm.

Quote from Jerry

Jerry: You can't just have an adultery, you commit adultery. And you can't even commit adultery unless you already have a commitment. So you have to make the commitment before you can even think about committing it. There's no commit without the commit. Then, once you commit, then you can commit the adultery and then you get caught, get divorced, lose your mind and they have you committed. But, you know, some people actually cheat on the people that they're cheating with. Which is like, you know, being in a hold up and then turning to the robber next to you and going, "All right, give me everything you have, too".